Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State

President Biden's campaign chair, Jen O'Malley Dillon, has made a surprising admission that Florida is not considered a battleground state for the 2024 presidential election, despite its history as a key swing state.

President Biden's campaign chair, Jen O'Malley Dillon, has dropped a bombshell by declaring Florida out of contention as a battleground state in the 2024 presidential election. This admission is a stark reversal of rhetoric from top Democrats, including Biden himself, who have maintained that Florida remains a crucial swing state.

In an interview with Puck's John Heilemann, Dillon stated: "No," when asked whether the campaign viewed Florida as a battleground state. The remark contradicts Biden's own assertion in April that "Florida's in play, nationally."

Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State

Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State

Dillon's concession is particularly noteworthy given Florida's longstanding history as a hotly contested battleground. Former President Trump narrowly won the state in 2016 over Hillary Clinton and secured a more comfortable margin of victory in 2020 over Biden. The state has also shifted towards the Republican Party in recent years, with GOP Governor Ron DeSantis securing a landslide re-election in 2022 and Republican Senator Rick Scott winning a tight race in 2018.

The size and importance of Florida make it one of the most expensive states to campaign in, but its 30 electoral votes represent a significant prize for the victor. Despite the challenges, the Biden campaign has hired nearly 30 campaign workers and opened more than a dozen offices in the state, indicating a desire to compete there.

Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State

Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State

Dillon's interview has drawn considerable attention, with some progressive commentators expressing anger over the perceived abandonment of Florida. Former Obama spokesperson Kevin Cate criticized Dillon for "writing off Florida" and demoralizing Democratic organizers.

However, Biden-Harris Battleground States Director Dan Kanninen insists that Florida remains in play for Biden and Democrats. He cites polls showing Biden in striking distance of Trump and points to visits by Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris as evidence of their commitment to the state.

Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State

Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State

Despite the Biden campaign's efforts, the state's recent electoral history suggests an uphill battle. The last Democrat to win Florida in a presidential election was Barack Obama in 2012. Trump campaign senior adviser Brian Hughes believes that Dillon's remarks reflect a "rare bit of honesty" and argues that Florida has not been a true battleground state for some time.

The Biden campaign's decision to concede Florida as a battleground state is a significant development in the 2024 presidential race. It remains to be seen whether the Republican Party's continued dominance in the state will translate into a victory for Trump or another GOP candidate in the next presidential election.

Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State

Biden Campaign Concedes Florida, a Major Battleground State