Biden Criticized for Overlooking Court Reform and Supreme Court Expansion

MSNBC panelists, including writer Ankush Khadori, argue that President Biden's decision to not pursue court reform and stacking the Supreme Court has been a "historic political miscalculation."

Biden Criticized for Overlooking Court Reform and Supreme Court Expansion

During a recent MSNBC panel discussion, President Biden faced criticism for not considering structural reforms or expanding the Supreme Court. Guest writer Ankush Khadori asserted that this decision could be a grave error. Khadori stated, "Not pursuing court reform would go down as having been a historic political miscalculation" for the Biden administration.

MSNBC host Alcia Menendez initiated the conversation by highlighting the importance of exploring structural changes to the Supreme Court, such as court reform or expanding the number of justices. Menendez pointed out that these options might provide recourse for citizens concerned about the court's recent decisions.

Biden Criticized for Overlooking Court Reform and Supreme Court Expansion

MSNBC host Symone Sanders Townsend defended Biden's stance, stating that he believes in adhering to existing rules and systems. Townsend explained that Biden does not endorse the idea of court packing.

Khadori countered Townsend's assertion, emphasizing that Biden's belief in established systems is misguided. He argued that the Supreme Court has overstepped its authority in recent years, overturning precedents and undermining progressive policies.

Biden Criticized for Overlooking Court Reform and Supreme Court Expansion

Khadori cited the court's recent rulings, including overturning Roe v. Wade, limiting affirmative action, and blocking the Biden administration's student loan forgiveness program. He expressed concern that the court's conservative majority would continue to undermine progressive initiatives.

The panel's discussion also touched upon the Supreme Court's consideration of former President Trump's immunity claim in Special Counsel Jack Smith's election interference investigation. Khadori predicted that the court would create a novel doctrine to support Trump's immunity.

Biden Criticized for Overlooking Court Reform and Supreme Court Expansion

A ruling on Trump's immunity is expected by late June. The outcome of this case could have implications for the future prosecution of former presidents.

Trump has warned that if he loses his claim to immunity, so will President Biden. This statement highlights the potential political consequences of the Supreme Court's decision.

MSNBC's panel unanimously agreed that President Biden has missed an opportunity by not pursuing court reform or expanding the Supreme Court. Khadori's comments suggest that this decision could have long-lasting consequences for the balance of power within the American government.