Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

President Joe Biden has defended his handling of relations with Israel during its conflict with Hamas while rejecting a recent United Nations ruling that declared Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories illegal. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled that Israel must "immediately halt its military offensive" against Hamas and end its "unlawful presence" in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

President Joe Biden has defended his handling of relations with Israel during its conflict with Hamas while rejecting a recent United Nations ruling that declared Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories illegal.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN's top court, ruled on Friday that Israel's settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem are illegal and must be removed immediately. The court's decision was non-binding and largely symbolic, but it nevertheless drew strong reactions from both Israel and the United States.

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

In a press conference, Biden said that he "strongly disagrees" with the ICJ's ruling. He argued that Israel has a right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist group that has fired thousands of rockets into Israeli territory.

"Israel is a close ally and a friend," Biden said. "And we are committed to Israel's security."

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

Biden also said that he believes the only way to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is through a two-state solution. He said that the United States will continue to work with both sides to achieve that goal.

The ICJ's ruling was met with strong criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. He said that the decision was "outrageous" and "based on lies."

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

"The Jewish people are not occupiers in their own land," Netanyahu said. "We have been here for thousands of years, and we are here to stay."

The Israeli Foreign Ministry also issued a statement rejecting the ICJ's ruling. It said that the decision was "detached from the reality of the Middle East" and "ignores the atrocities that Hamas and other terrorist groups have committed against Israel."

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

The United States is a major ally of Israel and has provided it with billions of dollars in military and economic aid. However, the Biden administration has also been critical of some of Israel's policies, particularly its settlement construction in the West Bank.

The ICJ's ruling is likely to further complicate relations between the United States and Israel. Some experts believe that the decision could make it more difficult for the Biden administration to broker a peace agreement between the two sides.

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

Biden Defends Israel Policy, Rejects Court Ruling on Settlements

However, the ruling could also have a broader impact on international law. It could set a precedent for other countries to challenge the legality of settlements in disputed territories.

The ICJ's ruling is a significant development in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It remains to be seen what impact it will have on the peace process and on relations between Israel and the United States.