Biden DOJ Threatens Lawsuit Against Iowa Over Immigration Law, Deportations Backed by Americans

The Biden administration has threatened to sue Iowa over its new immigration law, despite overwhelming public support for deportations.

Biden DOJ Threatens Lawsuit Against Iowa Over Immigration Law, Deportations Backed by Americans

For years, the term "deportations" has been weaponized by the far left and mainstream media, portraying it as a vile and inhumane practice. They labeled President Obama the "Deporter in Chief" and criticized President Trump's immigration enforcement efforts as racist and cruel. Candidate Joe Biden pledged zero deportations during his first 100 days in office, appeasing the far left's demands.

However, the demonization of deportations continues unabated, even as the Biden administration removes an all-time low number of illegal aliens. Axios recently labeled removing illegal aliens as "former President Trump’s harshest immigration plans."

Biden DOJ Threatens Lawsuit Against Iowa Over Immigration Law, Deportations Backed by Americans

Despite the misrepresentations and fear-mongering, polling shows that over half of Americans support mass deportations, including 42% of Democrats. Moreover, 68% of Americans believe illegal immigration causes significant problems in their communities.

After three years of a severe border crisis, the American people demand action against the tens of millions of illegal aliens in the country. One effective measure is increasing removal proceedings, or deportations. It's time to dispel the liberal narrative that removing individuals who have violated our immigration laws is controversial.

Biden DOJ Threatens Lawsuit Against Iowa Over Immigration Law, Deportations Backed by Americans

Deportations are civil, not criminal, matters. The US Supreme Court has consistently ruled that deportation is not a punishment but a mechanism for returning aliens without a lawful basis to remain in the US.

The removal process is complex and includes several layers of appeals. Illegal border crossers who use asylum claims to block expedited removal have multiple opportunities to contest their designated removal.

Claims of unfairness in the process are unfounded. Reforms could improve it, but illegal aliens are guaranteed their day in court to present their case for humanitarian relief or other immigration status that allows them to stay lawfully.

The far left's opposition to deportations stems from their fundamental rejection of immigration enforcement. This mindset is out of sync with the mainstream thinking of the American people.

Every country has a responsibility to protect its national security by deporting individuals who violate its immigration laws. The Biden administration has failed in this duty, but the next America First administration will prioritize securing the border and enforcing immigration laws.

Deportation is an essential part of managing immigration effectively. Approximately 1.5 million illegal aliens currently have a final order of removal but remain in the US, mocking our immigration system.

An America First administration recognizes the need to protect the homeland and national sovereignty. It will secure the border and impose legal consequences on those who breach our immigration laws.