Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns

President Biden's dwindling support among his own party members has culminated in calls for his withdrawal from the race. A cascade of Democratic donors and politicians are now publicly expressing concerns that have been privately shared for years, fueling speculation about Biden's cognitive ability and fitness for office.

The deteriorating confidence in President Biden's candidacy has reached a tipping point, with prominent Democratic donors openly urging him to step aside. This public chorus of discontent adds weight to the long-standing whispers within the party, corroborating concerns about Biden's cognitive fitness and his ability to mount a successful re-election campaign.

On Wednesday, NBC News chief political analyst Chuck Todd ignited a firestorm when he revealed that a senior cabinet secretary had confided in him two years ago, expressing doubts about Biden's capacity to run for a second term. Todd described it as the "classic open secret," a widely known but unspoken truth within political circles.

Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns

Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns

Todd's disclosure aligns with the growing unease among Democratic lawmakers. House Representatives Angie Craig, Lloyd Doggett, Raul Grijalva, Seth Moulton, Mike Quigley, Mikie Sherrill, and Adam Smith have all publicly called for Biden to withdraw from the race. Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado became the first Senate Democrat to express his doubts about Biden's re-election prospects.

Politico columnist Jonathan Martin, who appeared on Todd's podcast, criticized the lack of transparency among Democratic politicians. "They simply aren’t going to stand up and say in public what they’ve been telling folks like us in private for years. This is not a new story," Martin said.

Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns

Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns

Todd also highlighted the administration's failure to address the concerns of frustrated Democrats. "There’s been no grace, if you will. He’s attacked his own party members without simply acknowledging, ‘I get it. I understand why you’re concerned,’" Todd said. "The reason people are angry at him is not because they don’t like him. They’re angry at him because they’re afraid of Donald Trump."

The concerns about Biden's cognitive abilities have been a topic of discussion since the beginning of his presidency. ABC News' George Stephanopoulos recently stated after an interview with Biden, "I don't think he can serve four more years."

Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns

Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns

The mounting pressure from within the party has put Biden in a difficult position. His insistence on staying in the race could further alienate his supporters and hinder his chances of winning re-election. However, withdrawing would be a significant blow to his legacy and could cast doubt on the Democrats' ability to hold the White House.

As the Democratic Party grapples with this difficult decision, the public will be watching closely to see how Biden responds to the mounting chorus of dissent. His actions in the coming months will shape the future of his presidency and potentially the trajectory of the 2024 election.

Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns

Biden Donors Call for Him to Step Aside: A Corroboration of Longstanding Concerns