Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

A conservative watchdog group has won a legal victory against the Biden-Harris administration, forcing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to stop deleting employee emails in violation of the Federal Records Act.

In a significant victory for accountability and transparency, a conservative government watchdog group has compelled the Biden-Harris administration to cease the illegal destruction of employee emails at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

America First Legal (AFL), a right-leaning public interest organization founded by former Trump adviser Stephen Miller, filed a lawsuit against the Biden-Harris Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in April. AFL alleged that the CDC had been systematically deleting the emails of most employees 30 days after their departure from the agency.

Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

The lawsuit stemmed from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by AFL in February 2023 seeking records concerning the CDC's endorsement of controversial gender ideology within public schools. In response, the CDC informed AFL of its email deletion policy, which violates the Federal Records Act.

On Friday, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia granted AFL a preliminary injunction, requiring NARA to enlist the assistance of Attorney General Merrick Garland and inform Congress of the need to recover deleted emails and halt the destruction of records.

Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

"The Biden-Harris Administration was actively destroying the records of federal employees at the CDC in blatant violation of the law," said Gene Hamilton, executive director of AFL. "We are pleased that the court has ordered a stop to their illegal conduct."

The ruling highlights the Biden-Harris administration's disregard for the rule of law and its efforts to conceal information from the public. Notably, the administration has not faced the same level of scrutiny and legal consequences as former President Donald Trump, whose associates have been subjected to raids and indictments.

Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

AFL emphasized the double standard, stating, "We cannot have a country where government bureaucrats are allowed to circumvent the law without repercussion, and innocent civilians are subjected to invasive and unlawful political persecution for saying the 'wrong' thing."

In a previous investigation, AFL discovered that the CDC had significant influence on pandemic-era social media policies at Facebook and Instagram, working to suppress dissent related to the COVID vaccine.

Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

Biden-Harris Administration Caught Destroying CDC Records After Losing Legal Battle

Meanwhile, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, remains under scrutiny for his role in the pandemic response. Despite denying allegations that he attempted to suppress the lab leak theory of the COVID-19 pandemic's origins, his testimony before the House Oversight Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has raised questions about his credibility.

The CDC's latest scandal, coupled with the ongoing controversies surrounding Dr. Fauci, highlights the need for greater accountability and transparency in government agencies. The Biden-Harris administration must be held responsible for its illegal actions and its attempts to conceal information from the public.