Biden-Harris Administration's Afghanistan Withdrawal: Dem Lawmaker Faces Scrutiny over Criticism

CBS host Margaret Brennan grills Representative Pat Ryan on his previous condemnation of the Biden-Harris administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, highlighting the vice president's involvement in the decision-making process.

CBS News's Margaret Brennan has confronted Representative Pat Ryan (D-N.Y.) about his earlier criticisms of the Biden-Harris administration's conduct during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Brennan specifically pressed Ryan on his previous statement that the withdrawal was a "strategic and moral failure." She questioned whether he believed Vice President Kamala Harris, who has claimed to be the final decision-maker in the matter, should also share responsibility for this outcome.

Biden-Harris Administration's Afghanistan Withdrawal: Dem Lawmaker Faces Scrutiny over Criticism

Biden-Harris Administration's Afghanistan Withdrawal: Dem Lawmaker Faces Scrutiny over Criticism

In response, Ryan initially sought to downplay partisan blame in matters of national security. However, Brennan swiftly challenged this stance, reminding him of his pointed remarks in the past. Ryan then asserted that he had expressed his views as an American and a combat veteran concerned about the well-being of troops who had served in Afghanistan.

Brennan emphasized the imminent anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal, which has reignited discussions about the decision. She noted the public outcry from families of fallen service members who felt their loved ones' names and sacrifices had been ignored by the administration.

Biden-Harris Administration's Afghanistan Withdrawal: Dem Lawmaker Faces Scrutiny over Criticism

Biden-Harris Administration's Afghanistan Withdrawal: Dem Lawmaker Faces Scrutiny over Criticism

Ryan pivoted the conversation to address former President Donald Trump's treatment of veterans, particularly Medal of Honor recipients. He emphasized that the Democratic Party values patriotism and respects those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. He also credited Vice President Harris for her support of veterans and her efforts to unify the country.

Brennan also highlighted Vice President Harris's recent Democratic National Convention speech, where she extolled her foreign policy experience and military support while omitting any mention of the deadly botched Afghanistan withdrawal. The Harris campaign declined to comment on the matter.

Biden-Harris Administration's Afghanistan Withdrawal: Dem Lawmaker Faces Scrutiny over Criticism

Biden-Harris Administration's Afghanistan Withdrawal: Dem Lawmaker Faces Scrutiny over Criticism

Meanwhile, former President Trump is scheduled to visit Arlington National Cemetery to honor the service members killed in the Kabul airport bombing during the withdrawal.

The Biden-Harris administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal remains a contentious issue, with both Republicans and Democrats criticizing the decisions and execution of the operation. Ryan's previous remarks and his subsequent defense of the administration have drawn attention to the ongoing debate surrounding the incident.

As the anniversary of the withdrawal approaches, it is likely that the issue will continue to be scrutinized and debated, with further examination of the administration's actions and the responsibilities of key players such as Vice President Harris.