Biden-Harris Healthcare Policies: A Critical Analysis

A new analysis by the Health Market and Policy Network, led by former Trump domestic policy assistant Joe Grogan, criticizes the Biden-Harris administration's healthcare policies, including diversions from Medicare, handling of the Affordable Care Act, and alleged fraud in Medicare Advantage plans.

The Biden-Harris administration's healthcare policies have come under scrutiny in a new analysis by the Health Market and Policy Network, led by former Trump domestic policy assistant Joe Grogan. The analysis outlines several key areas of concern, including diversions from Medicare, mishandling of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and fraud in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans.

According to the analysis, the administration has diverted $266 billion from Medicare to green energy initiatives, leading to a 21.5% increase in Part D premiums and a reduction in available plans. The analysis suggests that these changes have created deeper issues that a $10 billion subsidy to insurers, a temporary measure, cannot resolve.

Biden-Harris Healthcare Policies: A Critical Analysis

Biden-Harris Healthcare Policies: A Critical Analysis

The analysis also criticizes the administration's handling of the ACA, alleging that it has enabled widespread fraud and cost billions of dollars. The report claims that the Biden-Harris administration has failed to effectively oversee ACA brokers, resulting in instances of plan switching and fraudulent enrollment, costing taxpayers up to $20 billion.

The analysis also raises concerns about the administration's changes to MA plans, which have reduced payments to insurers and made it harder for these plans to offer extra benefits for seniors. The report suggests that these changes may lead to higher costs for beneficiaries and reduced access to services such as dental and vision care.

Biden-Harris Healthcare Policies: A Critical Analysis

Biden-Harris Healthcare Policies: A Critical Analysis

The analysis further argues that the Biden-Harris administration has "prioritized radical identity politics over medical expertise." The report cites instances where the administration has offered extra pay to doctors for incorporating racial considerations into their care and required diversity goals in research funding applications.

The analysis alleges that the Biden-Harris administration has "suppressed medical perspectives counter to their preferred narratives and censored dissident scientists." The report does not provide specific examples of these allegations.

Biden-Harris Healthcare Policies: A Critical Analysis

Biden-Harris Healthcare Policies: A Critical Analysis

The analysis also criticizes the administration's use of taxpayer funds to mask upcoming increases in Medicare premiums under the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The report states that monthly premiums are expected to triple by 2025, but the administration has implemented a three-year subsidy program to artificially keep them low. However, critics argue that this will lead to a significant increase in government spending and debt.

The analysis concludes that the Biden-Harris healthcare policies are "catastrophically flawed legislation, counterproductive regulations, and an executive branch more committed to control than positive health care outcomes." It argues that these policies will ultimately lead to increased costs for taxpayers and reduced access to care for seniors.

The White House has not yet responded to requests for comment on the analysis.