Biden-Harris's "Equity" Agenda Compromises National Security, Experts Warn

Despite mounting threats from terrorist organizations, the Biden-Harris administration's focus on "equity" in national security programs is creating significant security risks, according to experts.

The Biden-Harris administration's mandate to promote "equity" throughout the federal government has extended to national security branches, with concerning implications for border security and counterterrorism efforts.

Under President Biden's day-one racial equity executive order, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched an initiative to advance "equity" within its counterterrorism programs. The plan promised to allocate resources more equitably, reduce racial profiling at airports, and avoid targeting specific communities in counterterrorism efforts.


Biden-Harris's "Equity" Agenda Compromises National Security, Experts Warn

However, experts warn that this equity focus is diverting attention and resources from genuine security threats. Victoria Coates, a former national security advisor to President Trump, called the agenda "disastrous" for national security, arguing that it dilutes the focus on countering terrorism and effectively aids the terrorists themselves.

Border security has been particularly affected by the equity mandate. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued guidelines prioritizing the avoidance of "inequitable outcomes" in border security deportations, which has resulted in a dramatic increase in border encounters.


Biden-Harris's "Equity" Agenda Compromises National Security, Experts Warn

The porous border has provided an opportunity for terrorists to capitalize on the situation. In June, eight Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS were apprehended, and thousands of "Special Interest Aliens" from potential national security risk regions have been arrested.

In August, it was reported that nearly 100 illegal immigrants on the terror watch list had been released into the United States during the Biden administration. Despite this, the administration has deemed domestic terrorists an increased priority, citing the need to address "racism" and advance "equity."


Biden-Harris's "Equity" Agenda Compromises National Security, Experts Warn

However, experts argue that this focus on domestic terrorism is misplaced in comparison to the threat level posed by foreign terrorist organizations like ISIS and al-Qaeda. Bill Roggio of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies believes that the greatest threat currently lies with Islamic State.

FBI Director Christopher Wray has testified about the increasing potential for a coordinated terrorist attack in the homeland, similar to the ISIS-K attack on the Russia concert hall in Moscow. Wray has expressed concern that terrorists are taking advantage of the porous border and that the current threat level is higher than during the Trump administration.


Biden-Harris's "Equity" Agenda Compromises National Security, Experts Warn

The Biden-Harris mandate has also affected other national security agencies, including the Department of Defense, State Department, and Department of Energy, where hires with radical "diversity, equity, and inclusion" (DEI) views have expressed hostility towards White people, called America a "failed historic model," and advocated for "queering nuclear weapons."

Experts believe that the Biden-Harris administration's equity agenda is a threat to national security, diverting resources from genuine threats and creating a more porous border. They argue that the focus should be on addressing terrorism and maintaining border security, rather than pursuing radical DEI initiatives that undermine national security.


Biden-Harris's "Equity" Agenda Compromises National Security, Experts Warn