Biden Ignored Military Leaders During Afghanistan Exit, GOP Lawmaker Says

Congressman Mike Waltz and military expert Victor Davis Hanson discuss the testimony from generals during a House hearing on President Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan and the deadly consequences of ignoring their advice.

Biden Ignored Military Leaders During Afghanistan Exit, GOP Lawmaker Says

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) has accused President Biden of ignoring the advice of three four-star generals during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Waltz, a combat veteran who served in Afghanistan, made the allegation during an appearance on Fox News' "Hannity." He was joined by Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution.

Biden Ignored Military Leaders During Afghanistan Exit, GOP Lawmaker Says

"We had three four-star generals tell the president that he needed to leave a residual force, that he needed to slow down the withdrawal," Waltz said. "He ignored them."

Waltz said that the generals warned Biden that a rapid withdrawal would create a vacuum that would allow the Taliban to quickly take over the country. They also warned that the withdrawal would damage the credibility of the United States and its allies.

"Biden ignored all of that," Waltz said. "And now we're seeing the consequences."

Hanson agreed with Waltz's assessment, saying that Biden's decision to ignore the generals was "a strategic blunder of the first order."

"He basically handed the country over to the Taliban on a silver platter," Hanson said. "And now we're seeing the results of that."

The consequences of Biden's decision have been devastating. The Taliban has quickly regained control of Afghanistan, and the country is once again a safe haven for terrorists. The withdrawal also led to the deaths of 13 American service members and hundreds of Afghan civilians.

Waltz and Hanson said that Biden's decision to ignore the advice of the generals was not only a military blunder but also a moral failure.

"He put the lives of our troops and the people of Afghanistan at risk," Waltz said. "And he did it for political reasons."

Hanson said that Biden's decision will have long-lasting consequences.

"This is a stain on our honor," Hanson said. "And it will take years to repair the damage that has been done."

Biden has defended his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, saying that it was time to end the war. However, his critics say that the withdrawal was poorly planned and executed, and that it has made the world a more dangerous place.

The House Armed Services Committee is currently conducting an investigation into the Afghanistan withdrawal. The committee has heard testimony from several high-ranking military officials, including the three four-star generals who warned Biden against a rapid withdrawal.

The committee is expected to release a report on its findings later this year.