Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

Former Biden staffer Jamie Metzl, who worked with the president during the Clinton administration, urges Biden to withdraw from the presidential race due to concerns about his cognitive health and ability to serve as president for the next four years.

Former Biden staffer and author Jamie Metzl, who served as deputy staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee when Biden was a senator, has called on the president to withdraw from the presidential race. Metzl's decision is based on concerns about Biden's cognitive health and his ability to fulfill the demanding role of president for the next four years.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Metzl expressed his admiration for Biden as a "personal hero" but voiced his belief that Biden may not have the necessary physical and mental stamina to serve as president effectively. "I think most people seeing him in the debate last night would have to come to the conclusion that he may not have 4½ healthy years left where he can perform at the highest level that's required for a United States president," Metzl said.

Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

Metzl praised Biden's accomplishments during his first term, emphasizing his efforts to restore American democracy after the Capitol attack and rebuild alliances around the world. However, he believes that the demands of the presidency for the next four years may be beyond Biden's current capabilities. "It's a statement about what is required to be the president of the United States for four years. And, unfortunately, Joe Biden, who I greatly respect, I don't believe has that capacity anymore," Metzl said.

Metzl drew comparisons between his experiences working with Biden nearly 25 years ago and the difficulties he observed during the recent debate. "There's a marked difference between Biden then and now. And that's perfectly normal. We all have parents and grandparents, and we see that age is a very real thing even for a vigorous person like President Biden," Metzl said. "When you get to be in your 80s, just the ravages of time catch up to us all."

Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

Metzl believes that the Democratic Party needs to confront the issue of Biden's age and health honestly. "If we're not, the voters in November will certainly be brutally honest with us," he said. He suggested that an open convention be considered to allow other candidates to emerge and engage with voters before the Democratic convention in August.

While acknowledging the challenges of finding a replacement candidate in such a short time frame, Metzl expressed confidence that there are capable individuals within the party, including Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, California Governor Gavin Newsom, and Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear. "I do think it's possible," he said, referring to the possibility of a replacement candidate defeating Trump. "I do not think that Donald Trump is a strong candidate at all."

Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

Metzl emphasized the importance of Biden's decision to withdraw from the race as an act of patriotism. "President Biden, you are a personal hero of mine. You're a man of great ethics, great integrity. You've contributed a great deal to this country, which you love. And now for your perhaps last and greatest act of patriotism, it's time for you to pass the torch to a new generation," he said.

Despite his concerns, Metzl indicated that he would support Biden if he remained the Democratic nominee, citing his belief that Trump is "unfit" to be president.

Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance

Biden Staffer Calls for President to Drop Out After Dismal Debate Performance