Biden Still Popular Among Democrats Despite Debate Concerns

A recent poll shows that a majority of Democrats still support President Biden and do not want him to drop out of the race, despite concerns about his performance in the first presidential debate.

CNN polling analyst Harry Enten stated on Wednesday that President Biden has retained the support of the Democratic Party base despite his performance in the first presidential debate. According to a poll released by Reuters/Ipsos, 66% of Democrats believe that Biden should stay at the top of the ticket, while only 32% want him to leave the race.

Enten highlighted the lack of resemblance between Biden's current poll numbers and those of other Democratic incumbents who decided not to seek re-election, such as Harry Truman and Lyndon B. Johnson. He emphasized that the Democratic base, not "activists," is the key factor in pressuring elected officials to advocate for Biden's withdrawal.

Biden Still Popular Among Democrats Despite Debate Concerns

Biden Still Popular Among Democrats Despite Debate Concerns

However, Biden faces an uphill battle in regaining voters' confidence after his debate performance. A recent CBS News poll indicates that 72% of voters believe Biden is mentally unfit to serve as president, a significant increase from 36% four years ago. Despite these concerns, the Biden campaign has rejected calls for the president to withdraw from the race.

Enten's analysis suggests that removing Biden as the Democratic frontrunner would be difficult due to the base's support. He compared Biden's situation to that of former President George H.W. Bush, who remained in the race and lost.

Biden Still Popular Among Democrats Despite Debate Concerns

Biden Still Popular Among Democrats Despite Debate Concerns

Biden's performance in the first debate has raised concerns about his mental fitness and ability to handle the demands of the presidency. However, the Democratic base remains largely supportive of Biden, which complicates any efforts to replace him as the party's candidate.

The Biden campaign has repeatedly rejected calls for the president to withdraw from the race. They argue that Biden is a strong leader who is committed to the needs of the American people. The campaign also highlights Biden's experience and record in public service.

Biden Still Popular Among Democrats Despite Debate Concerns

Biden Still Popular Among Democrats Despite Debate Concerns

As the election approaches, the Democratic base will play a crucial role in determining whether Biden remains the party's nominee. If the base continues to support Biden, it will be challenging to replace him. However, if the base becomes more concerned about Biden's mental fitness and performance, it could increase pressure on the campaign to reconsider its strategy.