Biden Threatens Israel's Security, Potential Trump VP Pick Goes on the Offensive

Former President Trump's potential running mate, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has strongly condemned President Biden's actions and comments regarding Israel. Sanders believes Biden's policies and rhetoric have emboldened Israel's enemies and weakened its security.

Biden Threatens Israel's Security, Potential Trump VP Pick Goes on the Offensive

Former President Donald Trump's potential running mate for the 2024 presidential election, Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, has strongly condemned President Joe Biden's actions and comments regarding Israel. In a fiery speech delivered at the Republican Jewish Coalition's annual leadership meeting, Sanders accused Biden of abandoning Israel and empowering its enemies, including Iran and Hamas.

Sanders specifically cited Biden's decision to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal, which she believes has emboldened Iran and increased its nuclear ambitions. She also criticized Biden's handling of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, accusing him of failing to provide sufficient support to Israel and allowing the terrorist group to gain ground.

Biden Threatens Israel's Security, Potential Trump VP Pick Goes on the Offensive

"President Biden has turned his back on Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East," Sanders said. "His policies have weakened Israel's security, empowered its enemies, and made the region less stable."

Sanders' comments reflect a growing concern among Republicans and pro-Israel groups over what they perceive as the Biden administration's lack of support for Israel. These concerns have been fueled by Biden's decision to reopen the US consulate in Jerusalem, which was closed by the Trump administration, and his administration's criticism of Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank.

Biden Threatens Israel's Security, Potential Trump VP Pick Goes on the Offensive

In response to Biden's actions, Sanders has called for a more robust and supportive US policy towards Israel. She has pledged to increase military aid to Israel, move the US embassy back to Jerusalem, and recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

Sanders' speech was met with enthusiastic applause from the Republican Jewish Coalition audience, indicating that her views on Israel align closely with those of the Republican base. Her comments also serve as a reminder of the importance of Israel as a key issue in American politics, particularly within the Republican Party.

Biden Threatens Israel's Security, Potential Trump VP Pick Goes on the Offensive