Biden Tramples on Free Speech and Religion in New Title IX Rule

President Biden's new Title IX rule jeopardizes women's rights by expanding the definition of "sex" to include "gender identity." This radical language manipulation forces individuals to affirm a lie, creating a hostile environment for those who do not comply.

Biden Tramples on Free Speech and Religion in New Title IX Rule

The Biden administration's relentless crusade against biology has reached a new low with the implementation of a radical Title IX rule that redefines "sex" to include "gender identity." This sinister move has far-reaching implications for women's rights, freedom of speech, and the well-being of children.

Gone are the days when students were treated according to their biological sex. Now, schools are mandated to treat students based on their self-proclaimed "gender identity," effectively erasing the distinctions between male and female.

Biden Tramples on Free Speech and Religion in New Title IX Rule

The result is a nightmare for anyone who dares to challenge this woke-speak. "Misgendering" someone, or referring to them by their biological pronouns, could create a "hostile environment," which amounts to sex-based discrimination. Schools are obligated to prevent such offenses, or risk facing federal investigations and the loss of funding.

This Orwellian persecution extends even to teachers and students who possess the audacity to call a spade a spade. If a student or teacher at your child's school chooses to go by a different name and pronouns, your child will be coerced into affirming this new identity.

Biden Tramples on Free Speech and Religion in New Title IX Rule

The Biden administration's tyrannical rule tramples on the rights of individuals to speak freely and express their religious beliefs. To suggest that the categories of "male" and "female" have little to do with biology is not only absurd, but it also confuses young minds.

It is not discrimination to ask "agender" or "nonbinary" students to use the restrooms corresponding to their biological sex. However, in this warped leftist lexicon, such a request would be deemed discriminatory.

Government leaders have abandoned biology to appease a privileged class whose self-image has been elevated above truth. The new rule is profoundly harmful to students who are forced to conform to a lie, as well as to those who embrace their own biological identity.

The vast majority of children who experience gender dysphoria eventually overcome it without medical intervention. Yet, by treating them according to their chosen identity rather than reality, schools are setting them up for future confusion and distress.

The government's manipulation of language has further consequences. Schools can now allow boys in girls' locker rooms, sports teams, restrooms, and dormitories without violating Title IX. This poses serious safety and privacy concerns for female students.

The Defense of Freedom Institute, along with several states and school districts, has filed a lawsuit to halt this rule before it takes effect. This rule is a backward step for civil rights and free speech, and it must be overturned.

President Biden's radical Title IX rule is a disgrace. It undermines the rights of women, silences free speech, and endangers the well-being of children. It is a testament to the extreme leftist agenda that now controls our government.