Biden White House's "Near-Total Freeze-Out" on Outside Advice Raises Concerns for Biden-Harris Campaign

Democratic strategist Doug Schoen warns that the Biden-Harris campaign could face significant challenges due to the White House's apparent disregard for outside advice on key issues like the economy, immigration, and the Middle East conflict.

Biden White House's

President Biden's White House has come under fire from Democratic strategist Doug Schoen for its alleged "near-total freeze-out" on outside advice, which Schoen believes could have detrimental consequences for the Biden-Harris campaign in the upcoming midterm elections.

Appearing on "FOX & Friends," Schoen expressed concern that the administration is turning a deaf ear to warnings about voters' growing concerns over the economy, the southern border, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Biden White House's

"I'm picking up that the White House is uniquely tone-deaf and not listening to not only me, but two Democratic insiders who've been in past campaigns, who've been successful with the Obama administration, the Clinton administration," Schoen said.

He elaborated that the lack of outside perspectives is hindering the Biden campaign's ability to develop a clear strategy or messaging on these crucial issues.

Biden White House's

"They have no message on inflation. They have no message on the southern border. All that they appear to do is demonize Donald Trump and talk about their statistical record of accomplishments," Schoen said. "And everything I see in my polls and every other poll says it just isn't working."

The Democratic Party has also been divided over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with progressive members like Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar criticizing the Biden administration's support for Israel.

Tlaib has labeled Biden an "enabler" of genocide, while Omar has called for the administration to change course.

Other Democrats, such as Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman, have voiced support for Israel.

Schoen believes that the war in Israel could prove to be a major problem for Biden's re-election bid, given the growing divide within his own party.

"This could cost the president at least two swing states and potentially the presidency," Schoen warned.

In addition to the economy, immigration, and the Middle East conflict, Schoen also pointed to the Afghanistan withdrawal as another area where the Biden administration dismissed valuable outside advice.

"We have a litany of issues where they're not listening to people who have been there, who can help them, and who can guide them," Schoen said.

As the Biden-Harris campaign prepares for the midterm elections, it remains to be seen whether they will heed warnings from outside advisors and adjust their approach to these pressing issues.