Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

Independent voters polled by Fox News Digital reacted negatively to President Biden's comments on abortion during Thursday's debate. Despite the Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which allowed states to protect the sanctity of life, Biden continues to push an extreme abortion agenda.

The Supreme Court's landmark ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization clearly allowed states to protect the sanctity of life, including unborn children. However, the Biden administration has consistently put the abortion industry's profits above women's health, human dignity, and the sacredness of each life.

The administration's radical misinterpretation of federal law has led to a case against Idaho, State of Idaho v. United States of America. The Supreme Court has since returned the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, after my office won significant concessions from the United States.

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

These concessions prompted the Supreme Court to ask the 9th Circuit to review the issues in light of the federal government's significant shift. We fully expect to prevail on the merits in this case, as the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) does not preempt Idaho's law.

Despite the Supreme Court's ruling in Dobbs, the Biden administration magically found a provision in EMTALA to force emergency room doctors to perform abortions. This novel interpretation is a clear attempt to push a radical agenda of abortion on demand up until the moment of birth.

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

EMTALA requires the opposite of what the Biden administration is claiming; it requires that doctors treat the mother and her "unborn child[ren]." Idaho's law allows doctors to treat women in all emergency situations according to their best and good-faith medical judgment.

Women's health and well-being are protected under Idaho law, and I will continue to talk with hospital administrators and emergency room doctors to ensure there is absolutely no uncertainty or confusion that the law expects they will do all they can to save women's lives.

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

We will continue to enforce our law in the vast majority of circumstances. Our stand for human dignity continues. Even if government officials are bent on radical abortion agendas, pro-life Americans are just as motivated – if not more – to protect the unborn and their mothers.

The people of Idaho elected me to uphold and defend our laws, and I will do everything I can to stand up for laws that hold that all life is precious and worth protecting.

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters

Biden's Abortion Comments Fail to Convince Independent Voters