Biden's Absence Amidst Anti-Israel Protests Raises Concerns

Fox News host Sean Hannity has criticized President Biden's lack of response to the recent anti-Israel protests on college campuses, accusing him of "hiding" from the issue. Hannity claims that Biden's silence is politically motivated, as he needs the votes of anti-Semitic members of his party. However, there are reports that Biden will address the issue in a speech on May 7.

Biden's Absence Amidst Anti-Israel Protests Raises Concerns

Fox News host Sean Hannity has condemned President Biden's response to the recent anti-Israel protests on college campuses, accusing him of "still being in hiding."

"Your president, Joe Biden, is still in hiding," Hannity said on his show, "Hannity."

"Today, only one closed-door event on his calendar, and why would he ever deviate from that rigorous schedule?"

Hannity went on to claim that Biden is avoiding the issue because he needs the votes of anti-Semitic members of his party.

"Joe desperately needs the votes from the antisemites that are in his party, the people in Congress, the Squad, the people that hate the Jewish people, people that hate Israel, and really people that are not particularly fond of this country as well," Hannity said.

Hannity's comments come amid a wave of anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the country. At the University of California, Berkeley, protesters stormed a pro-Israel event, chanting "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." At the University of Michigan, protesters disrupted a speech by Israeli Ambassador to the United States Gilad Erdan.

The Biden administration has been widely criticized for its response to the protests. Critics have accused the administration of being too slow to condemn the anti-Semitism that has been associated with some of the protests.

In a statement released on April 29, the White House said that President Biden "stands with the Jewish community and condemns anti-Semitism in all its forms."

The statement also said that Biden "believes that all Americans should be able to express their views peacefully and without fear of violence or intimidation."

However, some critics have argued that Biden's statement was not strong enough and that he should have condemned the specific anti-Israel protests by name.

In a speech scheduled for May 7, Biden is expected to address the anti-Israel protests and reaffirm his support for Israel.

Meanwhile, there have been some reports of peaceful pro-Israel demonstrations on college campuses. At the University of North Carolina, a group of frat brothers rallied around the school's American flag, protecting it from pro-Palestinian rioters who had already ripped the flag down once and replaced it with the Palestinian flag.

These demonstrations show that there is still support for Israel on college campuses, despite the recent wave of anti-Israel protests.