Biden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death Count

Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) has criticized the Biden administration for its handling of the war in Israel, specifically its reliance on incomplete data provided by the Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health.

Biden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death Count

In the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel, the Biden administration has repeatedly cited data from the Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health on Palestinian casualties. However, a recent investigation has revealed that the ministry's data lacks identifying information for over 10,000 of the reported 34,183 deaths.

Rep. Michael Waltz (R-Fla.) has condemned the administration for its reliance on this incomplete data, calling it "the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen." Waltz, along with other critics, argue that the Biden administration should be more skeptical of the ministry's figures, given its history of inaccuracies and manipulation.

Biden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death Count

David Adesnik, senior fellow and director of research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, has pointed out that the ministry's data includes a significant number of entries (nearly 80%) that lack complete identifying information. This raises concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the data, which the Biden administration has used to justify its stance on the conflict.

Adesnik has called on the administration to ask the intelligence community to evaluate the data's sources and accuracy before citing it in the future. He also notes that the proportion of deaths reported through media sources, which are not independent, has increased significantly in recent months.

Biden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death Count

Furthermore, Adesnik has identified inconsistencies in the data, including a gender breakdown that shows an unusually high proportion of women and children among the victims. This has raised suspicions that Hamas may be exaggerating the number of civilian casualties to gain international sympathy and pressure Israel.

Another concern is the lack of differentiation between military and civilian casualties in the ministry's data. Hamas has admitted to losing thousands of fighters in the conflict, but the ministry's figures do not distinguish between combatants and non-combatants.

Biden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death Count

Despite these concerns, the Biden administration continues to cite the ministry's data, even though it lacks credibility. This has led to accusations of bias and a failure to hold Hamas accountable for its actions.

Critics argue that the administration should be more cautious in its approach to the conflict and should not rely solely on data provided by Hamas. The administration should conduct its own independent assessments and consult with experts on the ground to ensure accurate and reliable information before making policy decisions.

Biden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death Count

The stakes are high in this conflict, and the use of incomplete and unreliable data can have significant consequences. Critics urge the Biden administration to exercise greater scrutiny and avoid relying on questionable sources that could undermine its credibility and the search for a just resolution to the conflict.

Biden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death CountBiden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death CountBiden's 'Absurd' Israel Policy: Attacked for Relying on Incomplete Hamas Death Count