Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

The father of a Marine killed during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan expresses surprise at the extent of the Biden administration's failures revealed in a comprehensive House GOP report.

The House GOP report on the Biden administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan has sparked outrage among families of fallen soldiers and exposed a litany of failures that contributed to the tragic loss of American lives. Steve Nikoui, the father of Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, one of the 13 American troops killed in the 2021 Kabul airport bombing, shared his astonishment at the revelations in the report.

Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

"To be honest with you, a majority of the stuff in the report is nothing new. We've been at the congressional hearings. We've done all the research that we have with all the different congressional hearings ongoing for the last one and a half years," Nikoui stated on "America Reports."

Despite the prior knowledge gained from congressional hearings, Nikoui expressed surprise at the report's thorough documentation of failures. He highlighted the glaring lack of a plan to evacuate Americans and allies, which led to chaos and desperation during the withdrawal.

Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

"What is good, though, about this report is that it's finally out. There is no more question. There is no more 'this is a conspiracy' or whatever. This is out in a chronological order, and everyone can see the failures that led to this botched withdrawal," Nikoui emphasized.

The report also revealed efforts by the Afghanistan government to reach out and secure support against the Taliban takeover. Nikoui believes that the Biden administration "never had any intention" of supporting the Afghan government, a decision that ultimately contributed to the collapse of the country.

Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

"The administration lied. If it wasn't Kamala Harris, it was Jen Psaki. If it wasn't her, [Karine] Jean-Pierre, the one that is representing the White House and their lies. Manipulations are finally coming out and being shown as what they are," Nikoui asserted.

He also criticized Democrats for attacking former President Trump's participation in a wreath-laying ceremony with Gold Star families at Arlington National Cemetery in August 2022. "The only ones that are doing any parading, political parading is the Democratic Party and they've been lying from the beginning," Nikoui stated.

Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

Biden's Afghanistan Withdrawal: A Scathing Report Exposes Failures

Despite attempts by the State Department to downplay the report as partisan, Nikoui remains resolute in his belief that the failures exposed in the report cannot be spun or explained away. "The Afghanistan withdrawal, it's all out there now. It's all in the report, so I don't know how they can try to spin this in any way. There's not really any leverage for them to do that now," he concluded.

The House GOP report stands as a testament to the catastrophic failures of the Biden administration's Afghanistan withdrawal. It is a story of political miscalculations, intelligence failures, and a lack of planning that led to the loss of precious American lives.