Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter

Former South Carolina lawmaker Bakari Sellers, once a supporter of President Biden's re-election campaign, has raised concerns about Biden's age and fitness for the presidency. Sellers believes it is a "justifiable conversation" and compares Biden to his father, who could no longer lead a college at 75.

Former South Carolina lawmaker Bakari Sellers, once a staunch supporter of President Biden's re-election campaign, has recently raised concerns about the president's age and fitness for the presidency.

In 2019, Sellers, who served as a surrogate for Vice President Kamala Harris's failed presidential campaign, expressed reservations about Biden's age, stating, "Joe Biden has been running for president since before I was born." He likened Biden to his father, who, at the age of 75, was advised by doctors to step down as president of an HBCU due to declining energy and strength.

Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter

Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter

Sellers further argued that age concerns were a legitimate topic of discussion in the 2019 Democratic presidential primary, citing the age of front-runners Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. He emphasized that Democrats should not shy away from discussing vigor and fitness for office.

Despite donating thousands of dollars to Biden's re-election campaign, Sellers has maintained his stance on the president's age. He recently dismissed criticisms about Biden's age as "patently absurd" and defended Biden's performance at a recent press conference, stating that he "demonstrated tonight that he continues to function at a high-level for his age."

Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter

Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter

Sellers believes that Biden must either resign or not run again, but neither scenario is likely. He argues that any discussion about Biden's age should acknowledge his accomplishments, including bipartisan legislation, appointing a Black woman to the Supreme Court, and revitalizing the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following the CNN debate between Biden and former President Trump in June, Sellers defended Biden, stating that it was unwise to replace him at that stage of the election cycle. He emphasized that the choice was between Trump, Biden, or staying home, and he chose Biden.

Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter

Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter

Despite Sellers' concerns, the White House has repeatedly stated that Biden is in good health and fit to serve as president. However, some Democrats have privately expressed worries about his age and whether he can handle the demands of the office for another four years.

While Biden has not announced whether he will run for re-election in 2024, it is widely expected that he will seek a second term. The issue of his age will likely remain a factor in the upcoming presidential election, with both supporters and critics debating whether he has the physical and mental capacity to lead the country for another four years.

Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter

Biden's Age: Resurfacing Concerns and the View of a Former Democratic Supporter