Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

Amid concerns over Biden's perceived age and gaffes, the Democratic super PAC Future Forward USA Action is spending millions to combat Trump's prolific social media presence. Trump and Republicans have flooded the internet with videos portraying Biden as senile or infirm, a tactic that the White House has dismissed as "cheap fakes."

President Biden's allies are pouring $10 million into a concerted effort to compete with the Trump campaign's dominance on social media, particularly on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. The Democratic super PAC Future Forward USA Action, which boasts prominent tech executives like Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and LinkedIn founder Reed Hoffman among its supporters, is spearheading the campaign.

The move reflects growing concern within Biden's camp that the president is losing the viral video battle to Trump and his fellow Republicans. For weeks, the Republican National Committee has relentlessly shared footage of Biden appearing confused, freezing up, or stumbling at public events.

Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

Trump has amassed a massive 6.4 million followers on TikTok since joining the platform just two weeks ago, far outpacing Biden's campaign, which has garnered only 380,000 followers since February. The Republican National Committee has also been effective in using social media to amplify negative portrayals of Biden.

The White House has repeatedly denounced the viral clips as "cheap fakes," but there is little evidence to suggest that they have been altered or manipulated in any way. The term "cheap fakes" has been used to describe false or misleading content since at least 2019, but its usage has surged in recent weeks following the release of the Biden videos.

Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

Not everyone is convinced by the White House's explanation. Jake Denton, a tech researcher at the Heritage Foundation, believes that the "cheap fakes" rhetoric is part of a deliberate strategy to pressure social media companies to remove videos that are critical of Biden.

"They're trying to push a new term underneath the school of misinformation to try and pressure social media companies to take action on videos of this nature," Denton told Fox News Digital.

Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

Future Forward USA Action's strategy involves helping Biden's campaign understand the algorithms and dynamics of social media platforms, as well as collaborating with pro-Biden influencers. The super PAC also aims to address the perceived age-related vulnerabilities that Trump and his allies have exploited.

TikTok has emerged as a key battleground in the social media war. The popular video-sharing app has become a primary source of information for many young Americans, and both Biden and Trump recognize its importance in shaping public opinion.

Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

Biden's Allies Desperate to Counter Trump's Viral Video Dominance

The outcome of the social media battle could have significant implications for the 2024 presidential election. If Biden's allies are successful in countering Trump's dominance, they could mitigate the damage caused by the viral videos that portray the president as unfit for office. However, if Trump continues to outpace Biden on social media, he could further amplify his claims about the president's cognitive decline and erode public confidence in Biden's leadership.

The social media battle between Biden and Trump is just one aspect of the broader political landscape in America today. As the election nears, the stakes will only continue to rise, and the viral video war will likely intensify as both sides seek to control the narrative and sway public opinion.