Biden's Assault on the Internet: Stifling Innovation and Free Speech

Despite the internet's flourishing state, the Biden administration relentlessly seeks to regulate it, threatening both its economic vibrancy and the fundamental principles of free expression.

The internet, a technological marvel that has transformed our lives, is facing a growing threat from none other than the Biden administration. Driven by an inexplicable desire to control this vital communication medium, the government is embarking on a misguided mission to regulate the internet, a move that will stifle innovation, impede progress, and undermine our cherished freedoms.

Competition, the lifeblood of any free market, has driven down prices and enhanced the quality of internet services, from high-speed connections to powerful search engines and user-friendly mobile applications. This has been achieved entirely through private enterprise, without the need for government intervention.

Biden's Assault on the Internet: Stifling Innovation and Free Speech

Biden's Assault on the Internet: Stifling Innovation and Free Speech

However, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), eager to assert its authority, seeks to play the role of an overbearing referee, dictating who can access the internet and at what cost. Even more alarmingly, the agency aspires to become a virtual speech czar, determining what content is deemed acceptable for online consumption.

The FCC's power grab has manifested itself in several recent actions. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals thankfully blocked the agency's attempt to classify the internet as a public utility, a move that would have subjected it to stringent regulations. However, the Biden administration remains undeterred, continuing its push for excessive control.

Biden's Assault on the Internet: Stifling Innovation and Free Speech

Biden's Assault on the Internet: Stifling Innovation and Free Speech

The administration's so-called infrastructure bill, which allocated billions of dollars to expand internet access, has been a dismal failure. Despite the hefty $42 billion price tag, it has connected virtually no households to the internet. Brendan Carr, a former Republican FCC commissioner, has revealed that the agency has not established a single connection with those funds and predicts construction projects will not commence until 2025 at the earliest.

Most chilling of all was the revelation that the Zuckerberg admitted to the House Judiciary Committee that the Biden administration had pressured Meta/Facebook to suppress COVID-19 information related to health practices and vaccine safety during the pandemic. This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech and the press.

Biden's Assault on the Internet: Stifling Innovation and Free Speech

Biden's Assault on the Internet: Stifling Innovation and Free Speech

The administration's feeble attempt to justify its actions as necessary to save lives is a hollow excuse. The government itself, through Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Center for Disease Control, was the primary source of misinformation about COVID, advocating for harmful lockdowns and school closures.

The repeated failures of the Biden administration in addressing internet issues underscore the wisdom of keeping it free from government regulation. When the feds intervene, they invariably botch up the process, hindering progress and infringing on our freedoms.

It is time for a united front against this government overreach. Both the left and the right can recognize the threats posed to freedom and work together to preserve the internet as a free and unregulated space for innovation and the exchange of ideas.

By resisting the Biden administration's misguided agenda, we can ensure that the internet remains a beacon of progress and a cornerstone of our democratic society.