Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

President Joe Biden delivered a fiery speech at the opening night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention, marked by a mix of self-congratulation and thinly veiled criticism of his own party.

In a bizarre and humiliating spectacle, President Joe Biden took the stage at the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, declaring that "democracy has prevailed." This triumphalism was ironic, given that he had just handed the party's nomination to Kamala Harris, a candidate who had received zero votes in the primary.

Four years after setting records by winning more votes than any other U.S. presidential candidate, Biden delivered a nearly hour-long speech that marked the end of his political career. He was forced to withdraw from the presidential race in June after a disastrous debate performance, despite receiving more than 14 million votes.

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Biden's convention speech was a mix of self-aggrandizement and thinly veiled criticism of his own party. He praised himself for putting the "national interest above his own pride and ambition" by withdrawing from the race, but his apparent bitterness was palpable.

Biden's speech was preceded by effusive praise from fellow Democrats, many of whom had been plotting to replace him just weeks earlier. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who orchestrated the plot that led to Biden's exit, suggested his likeness belonged on Mt. Rushmore. The president reportedly remains unhappy about these events.

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Former President Barack Obama, who had also discouraged Biden from seeking the presidency in 2016, was said to believe that Biden needed to "seriously consider the viability of his candidacy" after the June debate.

With such "friends," it's no wonder the Bidens are planning to leave Chicago and head to California after the convention.

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Despite the talk of Harris's "joy" and the Democrats' momentum, it's important to remember that Biden beat a talented field of candidates in 2020, including Harris. Harris's own presidential run in 2019 was so lackluster that she dropped out before the first votes were cast.

As vice president, Harris's early reviews were rough. The Wall Street Journal reported that Democratic lawmakers and donors questioned keeping Harris on the ticket with Biden.

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Biden's speech was a clear indication that he intends to play a major role in the Democratic Party going forward. He may have lost the presidency, but he remains a powerful figure with a loyal following.

It remains to be seen what role Biden will play in the future of the Democratic Party. However, his convention speech made it clear that he is not going away anytime soon.

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

Biden's Bitter Convention Speech: A Reflection on a Party Divided

As the festivities kick off in Chicago, Biden can say he kept his promise (albeit unwillingly) about serving as a "bridge" candidate. It's still an open question about where that bridge leads.