Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

Despite President Biden's attempts to tout declining border crossings, critics challenge the administration's record, citing a surge in illegal crossings and record high numbers under the current administration.

The Biden administration has faced heavy criticism for its handling of the ongoing border crisis, despite President Biden's recent claims of improved border security. Critics argue that the administration's policies have exacerbated the situation, leading to record-breaking numbers of illegal border crossings.

Texas Department of Public Safety's Lt. Chris Olivarez has been vocal in his criticism of the administration's border policies, stating that the decline in border crossings touted by Biden is a product of the Trump administration's policies.

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

"The Biden administration is trying to take credit for the border, but it's not their achievement," Olivarez said. "The decline in crossings is due to the Trump administration's 'Remain in Mexico' policy and the building of the wall."

A review of the data reveals that illegal border crossings reached a record high under the Biden administration in May 2022, with over 241,000 apprehensions. This exceeded the peak reached under the Trump administration in May 2019 by over 50,000.

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

The Biden administration has relied heavily on sanctions to pressure countries like Russia and Iran, but critics argue that this strategy has been ineffective.

In the case of Russia, sanctions imposed in response to the invasion of Ukraine have been widely seen as insufficient, with military officials acknowledging that deterrence efforts failed. The administration has also continued to sanction Iran, despite the lack of evidence that such measures deter the country's pursuit of nuclear weapons.

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

Furthermore, critics allege that the administration's actions have weakened the position of allies in the Middle East. The attack on Israel in October 2022 is cited as an example of Iran's emboldened stance due to perceived weakness from the Biden administration.

The administration's handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan has also been criticized. Former military officials have testified that the Biden administration ignored advice to maintain a force of 2,500 troops in the country, a move that ultimately led to the Taliban's takeover and the deaths of US service members.

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure

In conclusion, the Biden administration's claims of progress on the border and in foreign policy are heavily disputed by critics. Record-breaking illegal border crossings, ineffective sanctions, and the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan call into question the administration's handling of these critical issues.

Biden's Border Crisis: A Mirage of Progress Built on Failure