Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

The Biden administration's approach to China has come under fire from experts who argue that it is failing to effectively address the country's growing hostility towards the United States.

In a scathing assessment, Michael Pillsbury, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation, has condemned the Biden administration's China policy as ineffective and counterproductive. Pillsbury, a renowned expert on China, has detailed the country's escalating antagonism towards the United States, accusing it of fostering a hostile environment and undermining American interests.

Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

The Biden administration has been criticized for lifting sanctions on a Chinese entity implicated in the persecution of Uyghurs, a Muslim minority group in Xinjiang. The move has drawn strong backlash from Republican lawmakers, who are leading a bill to restore Trump-era sanctions on the Ministry of Public Security's Institute of Forensic Science of China.

Rep. Andy Ogles, the lead sponsor of the bill, has accused China of a "long and sordid history of human rights abuses." He has condemned the Biden administration for "unacceptably choosing to reward a Communist Chinese company despite their genocidal crimes and human rights abuses against the Uyghur population."

Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

Rep. Elise Stefanik, the House GOP Conference Chairwoman, has also criticized the Biden administration's move, stating that the "legislation to relist China's Institute of Forensic Science on our Entity List will return us to President Trump's peace through strength strategy and ensure no U.S. technology is benefiting Communist China's human rights abuses."

The Trump administration had sanctioned nine Chinese entities for their complicity in the repression of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang. The sanctions were lifted by the Biden administration in 2023 in an attempt to secure China's cooperation in combating synthetic drugs and precursor trafficking.

Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

However, experts have questioned the effectiveness of this strategy, arguing that it has not resulted in a meaningful change in China's behavior. The sanctions were necessary to hold China accountable for its human rights abuses and to prevent U.S. technology from being used to facilitate these atrocities, they contend.

The growing hostility between China and the United States is a major concern for analysts, who warn that it could lead to further escalation and instability in the region. China's aggressive maritime claims in the South China Sea and its suppression of dissent in Hong Kong have raised tensions with its neighbors and the United States.

Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

Biden's China Policy Failing: Experts Sound Alarm

Experts have called on the Biden administration to adopt a more robust approach to China that prioritizes the defense of American interests and values. They argue that the United States must maintain a strong military presence in the Indo-Pacific region, strengthen alliances with regional partners, and impose consequences on China for its violations of international law and human rights.