Biden's Cognitive Decline: Democrats Accuse Wall Street Journal of 'Faux Outrage'

Democrats are accusing the Wall Street Journal of "faux outrage" over its report that President Biden is showing "signs of slipping" in private meetings, but former Biden administration staffer Michael LaRosa argues that the White House should be more open to unscripted and authentic voices who can vouch for the president's mental acuity.

Biden's Cognitive Decline: Democrats Accuse Wall Street Journal of 'Faux Outrage'

The Wall Street Journal's bombshell report on President Biden's mental acuity has sparked a heated debate, with Democrats accusing the newspaper of "faux outrage" over its use of anonymous sources. Ex-Biden administration staffer Michael LaRosa, however, has called out this "faux outrage," arguing that the White House should be more open to unscripted and authentic voices who can vouch for the president's mental acuity.

In a social media post, LaRosa wrote that "the faux outrage over the use of blind sources is especially rich coming from political staffers in both parties." He declared that "The NYT, the WSJ, the WAPO are not extensions of the Democratic Party and nor should they be."

Biden's Cognitive Decline: Democrats Accuse Wall Street Journal of 'Faux Outrage'

LaRosa questioned why the White House couldn't find "powerful voices" who work with Biden or who know him on a personal level to vouch for the president's mental acuity in an "unscripted and authentic" way. He mentioned First Lady Jill Biden, Barack Obama, and both Hillary and Bill Clinton, asking, "Would any legacy newspaper, including the WSJ, ever turn down or kill a quote from any of those voices????"

LaRosa also suggested that Democratic lawmakers and administration officials who speak out against Biden in an "unfiltered" and "candid" way face consequences. He wrote, "Let's not pretend like we don't know what happens to Democrats who regurgitate unfiltered, unapproved, and unscripted analysis."

Biden's Cognitive Decline: Democrats Accuse Wall Street Journal of 'Faux Outrage'

The White House has bashed the Wall Street Journal article, calling it "unfairly" quoting from anonymous sources. White House spokesman Andrew Bates said that "Congressional Republicans, foreign leaders and nonpartisan national-security experts have made clear in their own words that President Biden is a savvy and effective leader who has a deep record of legislative accomplishment."

However, LaRosa pushed back on these attacks, asking why the White House couldn't find "powerful voices" who work with Biden or who know him on a personal level to vouch for the president's mental acuity in an "unscripted and authentic" way.

The Wall Street Journal report revealed that "participants in meetings" with Biden found that he "performed poorly at times." The report also stated that Biden has difficulty following details and sometimes gets confused about the names of people he meets.

Democrats have criticized the Wall Street Journal for using anonymous sources, but LaRosa argues that the White House should be more open to unscripted and authentic voices who can vouch for the president's mental acuity.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital.