Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

High-profile figures on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC's "The View" have expressed concerns about President Biden's cognitive abilities and suggested it may be time for him to reconsider his reelection bid.

In 1991, as a young journalist, I had the privilege of covering the 1992 presidential campaign, where I witnessed the meticulous reporting and impartiality of renowned journalists. The media's primary objective was to inform the public about the candidates' strengths, weaknesses, and policies, holding them accountable while respecting voters' intelligence.

However, the current media landscape has drastically shifted, especially during the Trump era and the subsequent Biden presidency. The conspiracy of silence between the press and the Biden administration has concealed the president's declining mental and physical state, leading to unprecedented peril and disillusionment within the country.

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

Biden's cognitive decline was evident during his 2017 book event, where his rambling, misplaced focus, and occasional confusion raised concerns among attendees. Despite these signs, he embarked on a presidential bid in 2019, a decision that surprised many given his age and apparent cognitive issues.

Multiple factors contributed to Biden's electoral victory, including Obama's intervention, the pandemic's impact on Trump's presidency, and the media's unwillingness to criticize Biden. Large swaths of the political media prioritized removing Trump from office over their journalistic responsibilities, actively concealing concerns about Biden's health and competence.

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

After Biden's inauguration, his staff resorted to secrecy and obstruction, shielding him from press scrutiny and denying access to medical records. The media's response was alarming, with friendly outlets ignoring or downplaying Biden's obvious decline. Even late-night comics occasionally poked fun at Biden's stumbles, but they provided more accountability than major news organizations.

Biden's mental condition has continued to deteriorate, with sources close to the administration expressing concern about his cognitive decline and physical frailty. However, the media has largely avoided reporting on these issues, instead offering excuses and defending the president's abilities.

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

The media's conspiracy of silence has compromised the country's national security and weakened public trust. Foreign nations are aware of Biden's mental unfitness, and the American people have been misled by both their government and the supposed bastions of free press.

This dereliction of duty may ultimately lead to the return of Donald Trump to the Oval Office, an ironic outcome considering the media's initial intention to prevent his reelection. Political analyst Mark Halperin warns that history will judge this as a colossal journalistic failure, leaving serious questions about the nation's future stability and the competence of its leader.

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection

Biden's Cognitive Decline Leaves Skeptics Questioning His Fitness for Reelection