Biden's Cognitive Health Sparks Growing Calls for Him to Step Down

Representative Seth Moulton of Massachusetts has joined the growing list of Democrats calling for President Biden to withdraw from his re-election bid, citing concerns over his cognitive health following his recent presidential debate performance.

Representative Seth Moulton of Massachusetts has urged President Biden to "step aside" and follow in the footsteps of George Washington by making way for new leaders. This statement adds to the growing chorus of Democrats calling for Biden to reconsider his re-election bid due to concerns over his cognitive health.

Biden's Cognitive Health Sparks Growing Calls for Him to Step Down

Biden's Cognitive Health Sparks Growing Calls for Him to Step Down

Moulton's comments, made on WBUR Thursday, follow the recent presidential debate in Atlanta, where Biden's performance sparked concerns among Democrats. The congressman stated, "President Biden has done enormous service to our country, but now is the time for him to follow in one of our founding father, George Washington's footsteps, and step aside to let new leaders rise up and run against Donald Trump."

Moulton's appeal echoes the precedent set by Washington, who voluntarily stepped down from the presidency in 1797 after eight years, establishing the norm that a president should only serve two terms in office.

Biden's Cognitive Health Sparks Growing Calls for Him to Step Down

Biden's Cognitive Health Sparks Growing Calls for Him to Step Down

Moulton is not alone in his concerns. Representative Lloyd Doggett of Texas was the first House Democrat to call on Biden to withdraw from the race on Tuesday, expressing hope that he would "make the painful and difficult decision" to step down.

Representative Raúl Grijalva of Arizona, while indicating his support for Biden in the re-election bid, nevertheless suggested that the president should consider exiting the race. Grijalva stated, "I’m going to support [Biden], but I think that this is an opportunity to look elsewhere … What he needs to do is shoulder the responsibility of keeping that seat — and part of that responsibility is to get out of this race."

Biden's Cognitive Health Sparks Growing Calls for Him to Step Down

Biden's Cognitive Health Sparks Growing Calls for Him to Step Down

Despite these calls, Biden has remained firm in his intention to seek re-election. During a 4th of July celebration Thursday, he declared, "I'm not going anywhere."

The growing number of Democrats expressing concerns over Biden's cognitive health raises questions about the future of his presidency and the Democratic Party's strategy in the upcoming election.

**Paragraph count:** 13