Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Former U.S. Attorney Jay Town exposes the incompleteness and manipulation of crime data used by the Biden administration to falsely claim a reduction in crime rates, highlighting the rise in violent victims and arrests under Biden's watch.

Former U.S. Attorney Jay Town has denounced President Biden's claims of reducing crime as a "deception in politics," citing the use of "bad data" and incomplete information to paint a misleading picture.

Town's analysis of the FBI's crime statistics reveals that crime data reporting has suffered from declining agency participation, with only 69% of law enforcement agencies submitting data in 2022. This incomplete data, particularly from large urban centers with high crime rates, compromises the accuracy of the reported crime rates.

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Biden's claim of a 13% reduction in the murder crime rate in 2023 is unsupported by official data, as no official crime statistics for 2023 have been released. Moreover, even if this reduction is accurate, it must be considered in the context of the three years of Biden's presidency.

Paradoxically, while violent crime rates are claimed to be declining, the number of violent crime victims has increased in 2021 and 2022 under Biden's watch, as reported by his own Department of Justice. This discrepancy further undermines the validity of the administration's claims.

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Additionally, the number of arrests has significantly declined during Biden's tenure, further contradicting the alleged reduction in crime rates. Biden's average arrests per year have dropped by 30% compared to Trump's presidency, despite an increase in crime victims.

Astonishingly, the three most murderous years in the last quarter-century, including the highest in 2021, have occurred under Biden's presidency. This raw data reveals an average of 20,700 murders per year under Biden, representing an 11% increase in homicides compared to Trump's presidency.

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Contrary to Biden's and liberal commentators' assertions that violent crime has declined throughout his presidency, the statistics show a false narrative. Biden has presided over some of the highest murder rates in recent history.

Furthermore, nonviolent crime statistics under Biden are also alarming. Property crimes have risen in each of the past two years under Biden's leadership, marking the first time since 1991 that property crimes have increased consecutively at a national level. Motor vehicle thefts, a key indicator of crime trends, have risen by 30% since Biden took office.

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney

Town concludes that the Biden administration's use of incomplete and manipulated data to claim a reduction in crime rates is an intentional distraction, aimed at obscuring the true state of crime in America. This "blue herring" strategy is meant to mislead the American people and create an alternative narrative that belies the actual evidence.

Biden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. AttorneyBiden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. AttorneyBiden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. AttorneyBiden's Crime Claims Are a 'Deception in Politics,' Says Former U.S. Attorney