Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

President Biden's disastrous debate performance has sparked finger-pointing and denial within his campaign and the Democratic Party. The media, the debate moderators, and even the president's inner circle are facing criticism, but many experts argue that the blame ultimately lies with Biden himself, whose age and cognitive decline were evident on the debate stage.

In the wake of President Biden's disastrous debate performance last week, the Democratic Party is attempting to save face by blaming anyone and anything but Biden.

Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

The White House has been quick to dismiss the debate as "just a bad night," but the president's shaky performance has raised serious questions about his mental fitness for office. A post-debate CBS poll found that those who don't believe Biden has the mental fitness to serve another term jumped from 65% to 72%.

The media are taking plenty of heat for supposedly covering up Biden's growing infirmities, but they have collectively been making an issue of the president's age for a long time. With a handful of exceptions, most journalists don't have access to Biden. They have seen what everyone else has seen on the air, the president increasingly mumbling and stumbling, and now it's clear why his top advisers have been so determined to shield him from the press – even a softball Super Bowl interview.

Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

Even more stunning is an Axios report saying that most White House officials and even the residence staff, including butlers, were barred from Biden's presence, so they wouldn't see his true condition. Think about that. They, led by Jill Biden's top aide, kept the president bubble-wrapped and isolated from most of those working for him on the taxpayer's dime. They were therefore shocked at his debate performance.

The Democrats regularly accuse Trump of caring only about himself, but aren't they being selfish as well? If their fears about Trump's authoritarian tendencies are well-founded, how can they risk putting Trump back in the Oval Office against an octogenarian who suffered such a humiliating meltdown on debate night?

Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

It's probably too late now, but those who suggested that perhaps Joe shouldn't run – former Obama-Biden official David Axelrod said last November he should consider dropping out – suffered huge blowback. The White House leaked word that Biden had called Axelrod a "prick."

Biden has spent his adult life trying to become president. Flying around on Air Force One is addictive. He still thinks he's the only Democrat who can beat Trump. He is not going to walk away from the White House, even though much of his party thinks he should.

Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

Biden's Debate Disaster: Blameshifting and Denial

The New York Times editorial board recently called on Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race, arguing that he is no longer up to the job. This call has been echoed by other prominent voices on the left, including Tom Friedman, Paul Krugman, David Ignatius, Nick Kristof, and David Remnick.

Biden's campaign has dismissed these calls, but the debate disaster has clearly damaged his standing with the public. A recent poll found that only 38% of Americans approve of Biden's job performance, down from 57% in January.

The Democrats are now in a difficult position. If they nominate Biden, they risk losing the election to Trump. If they replace Biden with another candidate, they could face a messy and divisive primary battle.

Either way, the Democratic Party is facing a serious reckoning. The party's future is in doubt and the debate disaster has only made matters worse.