Biden's Debate Performance Raises Questions About His Fitness For Office, Says Scarborough

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, a former Biden supporter, expressed concerns about the president's cognitive abilities after his debate performance against Donald Trump. Scarborough questioned whether Biden should run for re-election in 2024, comparing his performance to that of a CEO who would be fired for similar results.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, a former Republican congressman and current host of "Morning Joe," has raised concerns about President Biden's fitness for office after his debate performance against former President Donald Trump. Scarborough, who was once a vocal supporter of Biden, questioned whether the president should run for re-election in 2024.

"If [Biden] were CEO and he turned in a performance like that, would any corporation in America, any Fortune 500 corporation in America keep him on as CEO?" he asked.

Biden's Debate Performance Raises Questions About His Fitness For Office, Says Scarborough

Biden's Debate Performance Raises Questions About His Fitness For Office, Says Scarborough

Scarborough's comments come as Biden faces criticism from both Democrats and Republicans for his performance during the debate, which many saw as lackluster and disorganized. The former president appeared to be in command and hit Biden with several zingers, including one after Biden gave an incoherent response to a question on border security.

"I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either," Trump jabbed.

Biden's Debate Performance Raises Questions About His Fitness For Office, Says Scarborough

Biden's Debate Performance Raises Questions About His Fitness For Office, Says Scarborough

Scarborough's concerns echo those expressed by some Democratic voters, who have expressed concerns about Biden's age and capability to serve a second term. The president is 79 years old and would be 82 at the start of a second term.

In the wake of the debate, Scarborough was notably absent from "Morning Joe," leaving his wife, Mika Brzezinski, to host the show solo. Brzezinski opened the show with a 15-minute defense of Biden, according to Mediaite.

Biden's Debate Performance Raises Questions About His Fitness For Office, Says Scarborough

Biden's Debate Performance Raises Questions About His Fitness For Office, Says Scarborough

The Democratic party is fractured right now, with some members calling for Biden to step down or not run for re-election. As it stands today, Trump is leading in every swing state. One poll out this weekend shows him up in New Jersey and tied in states like Minnesota, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Maine, all states that haven't gone red in decades.

While all of this is happening, Biden is still away for another extended work-free weekend. His top TV advisor, Scarborough, apparently decided to do the same.

Scarborough's comments and the absence of both Biden and Scarborough from the public eye have raised questions about the president's fitness for office and the future of the Democratic party.