Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

CNN's Dana Bash reports that the Biden campaign is concerned about the impact of his poor debate performance and is trying to "stem the bleeding."

CNN's Dana Bash has revealed that the Biden campaign has initiated a high-gear strategy to mitigate the damage caused by President Biden's underwhelming performance in his first debate against former President Trump.

As the questions surrounding Biden's fitness for office continue to escalate, some House Republicans have expressed private concerns that replacing him at the top of the Democratic ticket could advantage the GOP in the upcoming November election.

Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

"As a human, it's probably good for Joe Biden that he's now probably not going to have to be subjected to this another four years. But for the party, it's not great. It's not clear to me that it's good for us, either," stated a House Republican to Fox News Digital under the condition of anonymity.

The Republican lawmaker highlighted the significant advantage Biden's defeat would have provided in a potential rematch against Trump. "We had Trump versus Biden, which was a very lopsided, in my opinion, a very lopsided fight… the Dems would be insane to run Biden again. Like, they can't, it's like they can't at this point."

Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

The lawmaker proposed that a younger and more popular candidate could pose a formidable challenge, altering the race's dynamics. "It changes everything. It's just a completely unknown wildcard right now," they added.

First Lady Jill Biden has publicly expressed her support for her husband following the brutal debate, stating to Vogue, "We will continue to fight."

Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

During the CNN Presidential Debate, Biden appeared tired, less sharp, and struggled to respond coherently due to a cold that affected his voice. His performance has prompted concerns among his allies.

"Obviously, there are conversations that I believe need to be had at all levels, with the realization of, this is not just about the presidency, this is about down-ballot," a House Democrat conceded to Fox News Digital.

Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Speculation of Replacement Candidate

Republicans have long asserted Biden's unsuitability for office. However, the prospect of replacing him poses a dilemma for the right, forcing them to weigh the risks of facing a familiar opponent or an unknown contender less than six months before the election.

"I think both [scenarios] are risky," a second House Republican told Fox News Digital. "We know what we know with Biden at the top… we don't know what we don't know with someone else."

A senior House GOP aide bluntly stated, "Biden running gives Republicans the best chance at victory."

Meanwhile, Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., dismissed GOP concerns about a Biden replacement, arguing that voters would focus on Biden's policies, which enjoy majority support among Democrats.

"What are they gonna do different?" Burchett questioned, suggesting that a new candidate would likely endorse the same policies that have "got us into this mess."

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung attributed Biden's cognitive and physical decline to the media and Democrats ignoring the issue for the past four years.

A recent CBS News and YouGov poll indicated that nearly three-quarters of Democratic voters believe Biden lacks the cognitive health required for the presidency.

Despite the fallout from Biden's debate performance, he has expressed no intention of stepping down, and leading Democrats have publicly supported his decision.

The Biden campaign declined to comment on the matter.