Biden's Decline Obvious for Years, Says Bob Costas

Sports broadcaster Bob Costas criticizes Democrats for ignoring President Biden's mental decline, stating that it has been evident for years and should have been addressed sooner to find a more suitable candidate.

Longtime sportscaster Bob Costas has taken aim at the Democratic Party for expressing surprise over President Biden's performance in the recent presidential debate, arguing that his decline has been "obvious" for years.

Appearing on CNN's "Smerconish" program, Costas slammed liberals for not acknowledging Biden's mental decline earlier, which could have led to the selection of a stronger candidate to challenge former President Donald Trump.

Biden's Decline Obvious for Years, Says Bob Costas

Biden's Decline Obvious for Years, Says Bob Costas

"That one atrocious night was simply writ-large what could be seen for years and years, that he is in serious decline," Costas stated. "It makes you wonder whether we've been gaslit by the Democrats."

Host Michael Smerconish prompted the conversation by inquiring if party members were caught off guard by Biden's performance or if individuals like Costas were the only ones acknowledging what others had been ignoring.

Biden's Decline Obvious for Years, Says Bob Costas

Biden's Decline Obvious for Years, Says Bob Costas

"Yeah, I think it's the latter, and it only became more overwhelmingly obvious with the debate performance," Costas replied. He emphasized that those defending Biden's poor performance as a one-time occurrence are overlooking his evident decline over an extended period.

"Nobody should be president when they're 85 or 86, including the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, but this guy is clearly in decline at this point," Costas asserted. "And part of the job, leaving aside whether he can do it for the next four years, is winning the job. And as you just laid out, that seems to be nearly impossible at this point."

Biden's Decline Obvious for Years, Says Bob Costas

Biden's Decline Obvious for Years, Says Bob Costas

Costas challenged the Democratic argument that party unity behind Biden is necessary due to Trump's perceived flaws. "No," he countered, "that's exactly why Joe Biden must be ushered out."

The pundit referenced his previous calls for the party to replace Biden, emphasizing the urgency in light of the president's recent performance. "Now, we can no longer indulge [Biden's] delusions," Costas stated.

"These are desperate times and they call for measures that are appropriate to the circumstances," he added.

Smerconish suggested that individuals like actor George Clooney, who recently voiced concerns about Biden's decline in a New York Times op-ed, would have otherwise concealed their opinions had it not been for the debate.

Costas condemned such an attitude, saying, "This has been so overwhelmingly obvious for so long. You don't need a degree in public policy from Harvard to see it and to say it – if you're willing to say it – anymore than you need a degree from MIT to say two plus two is four. And it makes you wonder whether we've been gaslit by the Democrats."

Costas questioned the silence of those surrounding the president, asking, "Wouldn't it have been an act of patriotism, if that's not too overblown a word in this case, to lay that out?"

He concluded by emphasizing that Biden's decline has been apparent for years and that the party should have addressed the issue sooner.