Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

The Biden administration's insistence on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) measures in scientific research funding is compromising national security and undermining the nation's competitive edge, experts warn.

The Biden-Harris administration's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) has pervaded various federal agencies, including the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). However, critics allege that this focus has come at the expense of scientific merit, potentially jeopardizing America's global standing.

NASA has introduced a requirement for scientists seeking funding to submit "inclusion plans" outlining their efforts to promote diversity and inclusion within their research teams. These plans are scored and assessed, with proposals lacking a sufficient focus on DEI deemed "non-compliant" and potentially ineligible for funding.

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

Academics assert that such mandates stifle scientific progress by prioritizing political alignment over qualifications and expertise. Princeton professor Robert George decried the "corrupt" nature of this approach, warning that it undermines America's ability to deter adversaries and defend its interests.

Renowned chemist Anna Krylovat of the University of Southern California draws parallels to the Soviet Union's politicized science during the Cold War, which ultimately led to its technological decline. She fears that America could suffer a similar fate if it fails to resist this ideological shift.

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

In 2021, President Biden issued an executive order mandating that agencies like NASA prioritize DEI in STEMM funding decisions (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine). Critics argue that this has led to agencies engaging in political favoritism in the allocation of funds.

NASA contends that inclusion plans are necessary to foster positive and inclusive work environments on research teams. However, the agency maintains that the evaluation of these plans does not impact the assessment of a proposal's scientific merit or funding eligibility.

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

Beyond NASA, concerns have been raised about DEI mandates at other federal agencies. At the Department of Energy, researchers are reportedly expected to demonstrate how their research aligns with DEI objectives. Senior investigators fear pressure to prioritize diversity quotas over the recruitment of the most qualified individuals.

Former Harvard Medical School Dean Dr. Jeffrey S. Flier has criticized "diversity statements" as a form of compelled speech that violates academic freedom. He argues that DEI has become a political tool to promote ideological agendas, rather than a genuine effort to address historical inequalities.

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

The Pentagon's 2022-2023 DEI strategic plan aims to ensure "equity" among its vendors. This has raised concerns about the potential for preferential treatment in procurement contracts based on non-meritocratic criteria.

Experts fear that the Biden administration's DEI agenda is weakening America's scientific and technological prowess. By prioritizing political biases over objective evaluations, they argue, the nation is sacrificing its competitive edge and potentially compromising national security.

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress

Biden's DEI Mandates: A Threat to National Security and Scientific Progress