Biden's Delusion and Defiance: Axelrod Pans President's Spin on Dismal Polls

CNN analyst David Axelrod has criticized President Biden for his "terrible mistake" in dismissing polls showing strong disapproval over his handling of the economy. Axelrod accused Biden of "denial, delusion and defiance" in his post-debate interview with ABC News.

CNN analyst David Axelrod has lambasted President Biden for his "terrible mistake" in dismissing polls showing strong disapproval over his handling of the economy. In a CNN op-ed, Axelrod accused Biden of "denial, delusion and defiance" in his post-debate interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.

Axelrod wrote that Biden's claim to be the best person to beat Donald Trump in November was a "denial" of the reality that he is trailing in the polls. He also accused Biden of "delusion" for not acknowledging the poor performance he gave in the debate.

Biden's Delusion and Defiance: Axelrod Pans President's Spin on Dismal Polls

Biden's Delusion and Defiance: Axelrod Pans President's Spin on Dismal Polls

"The stakes are as great as Biden describes," Axelrod wrote. "And if he believes it, as I think he does, he will eventually do what duty and love of country requires, and step aside."

Axelrod also took aim at Biden's refusal to commit to an independent medical evaluation, including neurological and cognitive exams. He said Biden's "demurring and deflecting" on this issue was a sign of his unwillingness to face the reality of his declining mental health.

Biden's Delusion and Defiance: Axelrod Pans President's Spin on Dismal Polls

Biden's Delusion and Defiance: Axelrod Pans President's Spin on Dismal Polls

ABC's Jon Karl echoed Axelrod's concerns, saying that Biden's interview did little to calm the nerves of Democrats who fear he is on a path to lose to Trump.

"Look, Biden looked better and certainly more coherent than he looked during the debate, but there's nothing in this interview that is calming nerves of jittery Democrats who fear that Joe Biden is on a trajectory to lose this race, to lose to Donald Trump," Karl said.

Biden's Delusion and Defiance: Axelrod Pans President's Spin on Dismal Polls

Biden's Delusion and Defiance: Axelrod Pans President's Spin on Dismal Polls

Axelrod warned that if Biden does not step aside, his age and declining mental health will become the dominant issues in the campaign, overshadowing his record and sully his legacy.

"If he does not, it will be Biden’s age, and not Trump’s moral and ethical void, that will dominate the rest of this most important campaign and sully the president’s historic legacy," Axelrod wrote.

Axelrod's criticism is the latest in a growing chorus of voices expressing concern about Biden's mental fitness for office. With polls showing him trailing Trump, many Democrats are now openly questioning whether he should remain the party's nominee.