Biden's Dementia: A Cover-Up Unraveled

The media's shock over President Biden's poor debate performance has sparked questions about a possible cover-up of his declining cognitive abilities.

In the wake of President Biden's disastrous CNN Presidential Debate performance, the Democratic Party is reeling in confusion and disarray. Dem senator Chris Coons had previously claimed that Biden was "sharp, engaged, and commanding" behind closed doors, but the public witnessed a different reality.

The media, too, has been caught off guard, pretending to be shocked by Biden's evident cognitive decline. However, the author questions their sincerity, suggesting that they were complicit in a cover-up of his true condition.

Biden's Dementia: A Cover-Up Unraveled

Biden's Dementia: A Cover-Up Unraveled

Several questions arise from this apparent cover-up: Who orchestrated the initial deception, portraying Biden as mentally fit? Were the media genuinely unaware of his declining mental state, or did they deliberately conceal it?

Furthermore, who has been running the country if Biden is not fully capable? The author suggests that someone is behind the curtain, making crucial decisions, such as the Afghanistan pullout and the student loan bailouts.

Biden's Dementia: A Cover-Up Unraveled

Biden's Dementia: A Cover-Up Unraveled

Despite overwhelming evidence, some Democrats persist in denying Biden's cognitive impairments. The author sees this as a telltale sign that they are aware of his diminished capacity and his inability to govern effectively.

The author draws parallels between the media's complicity in the Biden cover-up and previous major hoaxes, such as the 97% climate expert consensus and the Russia-linked laptop claims. He questions the motives behind these orchestrated deceptions.

Biden's Dementia: A Cover-Up Unraveled

Biden's Dementia: A Cover-Up Unraveled

The author concludes by questioning whether the public will ever know the real truth behind Biden's condition or other political hoaxes. He warns against the media's ability to manipulate the narrative and urges viewers to be skeptical and demand accountability.

Greg Gutfeld, host of "Gutfeld!," has accused the media of being complicit in a cover-up of President Biden's declining cognitive abilities. Gutfeld argued that the media pretended to be shocked by Biden's poor debate performance, despite ample evidence of his mental decline.

Gutfeld pointed out that WH reporters have admitted to avoiding exposing Biden's mental decline because of "right-wing media" hype. This suggests that the media was aware of Biden's condition but chose to ignore it for political reasons.

The author questions the responsibility of media bosses in this cover-up. Are they demanding answers from their employees or complicit in suppressing the truth? Could exposing a Democrat president come at the expense of prestigious awards?

Gutfeld raises the crucial question of who is actually running the country if Biden is not fully capable. He suggests that someone is behind the curtain, making decisions without public scrutiny.

The author argues that the media's cover-up of Biden's dementia may extend to other issues, such as the border crisis and the student loan bailouts. He questions whether the public will ever know the truth behind these events.

Gutfeld warns against the media's ability to create and perpetuate hoaxes, such as the 97% climate expert consensus and the Russia-linked laptop claims. He urges viewers to be skeptical and demand accountability from the media.

Gutfeld concludes by urging the public to question the mainstream media's motives and to hold them accountable for their actions. He warns that the media's manipulation of the narrative poses a threat to the truth and to the integrity of our democracy.