Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

Former National Security Council senior director Robert Greenway warns that the Biden-Harris administration's actions have left America more vulnerable to terrorist attacks, both at home and abroad, calling for a resurgence in deterrence and a reversal of the current policies that have emboldened our enemies.

Recent events, including the killing of American hostages by Hamas and the oil spill caused by Houthi attacks, underscore the grave risks posed by the Biden-Harris administration's misguided policies. These actions have provided unprecedented resources to terrorist organizations, weakened our military, and dismantled vital security measures at our borders.

The Biden-Harris administration's concessions to Iran have granted the regime access to billions of dollars, fueling its nuclear program, regional terrorism, and assassination attempts against American officials. This largesse has emboldened Iran and its Axis of Resistance, leading to non-stop attacks against U.S. interests.

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

The disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan not only resulted in the tragic deaths of American service members but also handed control of the country back to the Taliban and provided tens of billions of dollars worth of equipment to the enemy. This reckless decision has allowed ISIS to resurge in Afghanistan and beyond, threatening global security.

The Biden-Harris administration's reversal of Trump's decision to defund UNRWA has provided support to Hamas, emboldening the terrorist group to engage in deadly attacks against Israelis and Americans. The killing of seven Americans in Iraq and Syria and the brutal execution of Hersh Goldberg-Polin in August 2023 highlight the consequences of this appeasement.

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

The systematic dismantling of our border security by the Biden-Harris administration has allowed millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country, including individuals on the terrorist watchlist and Special Interest Aliens from dangerous countries. These breaches have increased the risk of domestic terrorism and underscore the administration's failure to protect its citizens.

Decades of neglect and the current administration's shortsighted policies have weakened our military, making it insufficient to deter and respond to the growing threats we face. The Congressional Commission on the National Defense Strategy reaffirms this conclusion, highlighting the urgency of addressing this critical issue.

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

Twenty-three years ago, systemic structural issues and ignored warning signs led to the worst terrorist attack in our history. Today, we face even greater risks due to the Biden-Harris administration's appeasement, ignorance, and resource allocation to terrorist organizations. Their policies have invited aggression and set us on a dangerous path.

To mitigate these threats and protect our nation, we must reverse the Biden-Harris administration's disastrous policies. We need to confront Iran's aggression, rebuild our military, strengthen our border security, and support our allies in the fight against terrorism. Only by taking these steps can we restore deterrence and ensure the safety of Americans at home and abroad.

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

The Trump administration's record stands in stark contrast to that of the Biden-Harris administration. Trump confronted ISIS effectively, weakened Iran, and closed our borders. These policies protected America from terrorist threats and maintained our position as a global force for security.

The safety and security of America are at stake. The Biden-Harris administration's actions have emboldened our enemies and left us vulnerable. It is imperative that we change course, restore deterrence, and prioritize the protection of our citizens. Failure to do so will have dire consequences for our nation and the world.

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement

Biden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran AppeasementBiden's Dereliction of Duty: America at Grave Risk After Afghanistan Withdrawal and Iran Appeasement