Biden's Desperation: Outpouring of White House Rules Hints at Impending Electoral Defeat

A new CNN poll shows Trump leading Biden by six points, while Fox News surveys have Trump inching ahead in several critical swing states. In the face of these dismal poll numbers, the Biden administration has rolled out a flurry of executive actions, raising concerns about a White House in "panic mode."

Biden's Desperation: Outpouring of White House Rules Hints at Impending Electoral Defeat

The Biden administration's recent avalanche of over a dozen new initiatives and rules has raised eyebrows, sparking speculation that the White House is bracing for a potential defeat in the upcoming midterm elections.

According to a new national CNN poll, Trump is leading Biden by six points, one of the biggest gaps yet. Fox News surveys have also revealed Trump inching ahead in several critical swing states. These polls, coupled with a slew of other negative indicators, paint a gloomy picture for the Biden administration's electoral prospects.

Biden's Desperation: Outpouring of White House Rules Hints at Impending Electoral Defeat

Against this backdrop, the White House has embarked on a flurry of rule-making, including:

1. Banning non-compete agreements

Biden's Desperation: Outpouring of White House Rules Hints at Impending Electoral Defeat

2. Rewriting Title IX

3. Accusing a company of racism for avoiding hiring criminals

Biden's Desperation: Outpouring of White House Rules Hints at Impending Electoral Defeat

4. Expanding federal student loan assistance

5. Blocking the merger of two luxury goods makers

6. Imposing new overtime rules

7. Detailing airline refunds

8. Restricting drilling in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve

9. Blocking hospital group mergers

10. Issuing new power plant emissions rules

11. Putting on hold a ban on menthol cigarettes

12. Revamping school lunch mandates

This surge of executive activity has raised questions about the administration's motives. Some see it as a desperate attempt to push through policies that could be overturned if passed later in the year. Under Congress's authority, federal agencies' rules can be nixed within 60 days with a simple majority vote. If there's a Republican resurgence in November, Biden's diktats could quickly vanish.

Critics also question the wisdom of such a rapid-fire approach to policymaking. They point to the administration's disastrous insistence on mandating electric vehicles, a decision that ignored the reluctance of many Americans to abandon gasoline-powered SUVs.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), under the leadership of Lina Khan, has been particularly active in clamping down on corporate merger activity. However, FTC interventions like the blocking of Tapestry's acquisition of Capri have been criticized for undermining the normal pursuit of business.

Another target of criticism has been the Department of Transportation's new demands on airlines to refund passengers for flight disruptions. Critics argue that this medida adds unnecessary headaches to an industry already struggling to maintain profitability.

Finally, the Biden administration's energy policies have drawn ire from opponents. The ban on exploration in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve and the new power plant emissions rules have been denounced as damaging to domestic energy security.

These policies, critics argue, reflect the progressive fantasies of a White House that is out of touch with the needs of the American people. They predict that these measures will be overturned or reversed, either by Republicans in Congress or by a new administration in 2025.

In a final swipe, the article concludes, "Here's hoping."