Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

President Biden's poor performance in Thursday's debate with Donald Trump has left Democrats grappling with a whirlwind of chaos and frustration on Capitol Hill, raising concerns about his mental acuity and the future of the party.

President Biden's "poor performance" in last night's debate has ignited a storm of discontent among Democrats on Capitol Hill, leaving them grappling with a sense of disappointment, anger, and escalating panic.

According to one anonymous House Democrat, the emotions on Capitol Hill have been dominated by a sense of letdown, followed by frustration, and ultimately, a growing unease about the implications for the party's future.

Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

"This is not just about the presidency," the Democrat lamented. "This is about down-ballot."

Lawmakers from the Democratic Party have expressed nervousness as they face intense scrutiny from reporters, many of whom are seeking their opinions on the debate. Several have declined to comment, even when offered anonymity.

Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries responded evasively when asked if Biden was the ideal nominee for the White House. He stated that he would refrain from commenting until Biden presented his vision for the country.

Another anonymous House Democrat, weary of the political process, questioned the value of debates in today's era. He expressed doubt that any recent debate had left viewers feeling satisfied or enlightened.

Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

"I bet you the majority of Americans would not choose these two old guys to be the only choice that they have," the Democrat said.

A senior House Democratic aide likened the mood on Capitol Hill to what Republicans may have felt after a high-profile blunder by former President Trump. The aide described a prevailing sense of dread and an awareness that "you have nothing good to say."

Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

Biden's Devastating Debate Performance Sparks Panic and Uncertainty Among Democrats

Biden's performance has raised concerns about his mental sharpness, especially in contrast to his opponent, Donald Trump, who is just three years younger. At times, Biden appeared fatigued and unfocused, leading to quips from Trump that he "didn't know what he said at the end of that sentence."

One longtime Democratic operative conveyed a sense of dismay among lawmakers, who felt that a significant opportunity had been squandered. This has reportedly led to panicked responses and a search for solutions to rectify the situation.

Even Democrats who spoke on the record conceded that Biden's performance fell short of expectations. Nonetheless, they emphasized that the election encompassed more than a single debate.

"The president doesn't have a great debate night. That's very clear," conceded Rep. Jason Crow, D-Colo. However, he maintained that the election was about far more than one debate performance, but rather the future of America and the threat posed by Trump.

While some Democrats have expressed frustration at their own pundits for criticizing Biden's performance, others have stressed the need for unity.

"For those who are worried, it’s time to do less worrying and get to work," urged Joel Rubin, a Democratic strategist. He emphasized that winning the election depended on the mobilization of the entire Democratic community.

Despite the concerns, some Democrats remain steadfast in their support for Biden, arguing that a single poor performance does not overshadow his accomplishments.