Biden's Dismal Polls: Axelrod Rejects 'Fantasy' of Removing Him from Ticket

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod dismissed any notion of replacing President Biden as the Democratic nominee, despite concerns about his low approval ratings.

Biden's Dismal Polls: Axelrod Rejects 'Fantasy' of Removing Him from Ticket

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod has rejected calls to remove President Biden from the Democratic ticket ahead of the election, dismissing it as a "fantasy."

Axelrod made these comments on Friday's episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher," where the host expressed concerns about Biden's electability. Maher cited recent polls showing strong disapproval of Biden's handling of the economy and a report outlining the panic among top Democrats behind the scenes.

Biden's Dismal Polls: Axelrod Rejects 'Fantasy' of Removing Him from Ticket

However, Axelrod maintained that Biden will remain the nominee and will not withdraw from the race. He stated, "He is going to run, and one of the reasons they want an early debate I'm sure is to focus people on this is the choice! It's Trump and Biden."

Axelrod argued that while Biden's age may be a concern, voters have already chosen him as the party's nominee. He said, "The question is whether at this age you should have run, but he did run. And right now he is the nominee of the Democratic Party."

Biden's Dismal Polls: Axelrod Rejects 'Fantasy' of Removing Him from Ticket

Axelrod also criticized those who are considering not voting for either Biden or Trump. He stated, "I mean, you can take the easy way out and say, 'Well, I'm not gonna vote for either of them,' but one of those guys is gonna be President of the United States and people oughta focus on that and give up on the sort of fantasy that there's gonna be another candidate."

Maher has previously advocated for Biden's removal from the ticket, citing his concerns about his mental acuity and low approval ratings. However, Axelrod dismissed these concerns, stating, "I like Joe Biden and I worked with him and I was grateful to work with him and I think he's done a lot of very, very fine things as president for which history will be kind him."

Biden's Dismal Polls: Axelrod Rejects 'Fantasy' of Removing Him from Ticket

In conclusion, Axelrod believes that it is unlikely that Biden will be removed from the ticket and that he will remain the Democratic nominee for the upcoming election.