Biden's Economic Spin: Axe Falls

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod slams President Biden's dismissal of polls showing strong disapproval over his handling of the economy, calling it a "terrible mistake" that could lead to defeat.

Biden's Economic Spin: Axe Falls

CNN analyst David Axelrod has unleashed a scathing attack on President Biden's defiant stance on the economy, labeling it a "terrible mistake" that could cost him the upcoming election.

In an interview with CNN, Biden attempted to boast about his economic record despite polls consistently showing dissatisfaction with his handling of the economy. He cited one poll showing most Americans claiming they are "personally in good shape" economically and dismissed other poll findings as inaccurate.

Biden's Economic Spin: Axe Falls

However, Axelrod lambasted Biden's attitude, arguing that he is out of touch with the economic experiences of ordinary Americans.

"They're experiencing it through the lens of the cost of living," Axelrod told CNN's Erin Burnett. "And he is a man who's built his career on empathy. Why not lead with the empathy?"

Biden's Economic Spin: Axe Falls

"He's making a terrible mistake… If he doesn't win this race, it may not be Donald Trump that beats him. It may be his own pride," Axelrod added.

Fellow CNN panelist Scott Jennings agreed with Axelrod, calling Biden's economic messaging "incredibly weak."

Biden's Economic Spin: Axe Falls

"You correctly confronted him with the statistics and the polling and he whined about that," Jennings said. "I think he must be mortified when he looks at poll after poll that says the American people trust Donald Trump more on the economy, they trust him to be a strong leader, and they believe that the world is in chaos because he is weak and Trump is strong."

Polling data consistently shows Biden's approval ratings on the economy trending downwards. A recent Fox News poll found only 38% of Americans approve of Biden's handling of the economy, while the RealClearPolitics average of polls continues to show Trump having an edge over Biden in key swing states.

The White House has repeatedly touted strong economic statistics, but these have not translated into improved job performance ratings for Biden.

Axelrod's criticism echoes growing concerns among Democratic strategists that Biden's economic messaging is ineffective and could lead to a loss in the upcoming election.

Biden's approval ratings have been plummeting in recent months, with recent polls showing that a majority of Americans disapprove of his job performance. If he continues to dismiss economic concerns raised by polls, he risks further alienating voters and handing the advantage to his potential rivals in 2024.

Experts believe that the president needs to adopt a more empathetic approach, acknowledge the economic struggles faced by Americans, and offer tangible solutions to address their concerns. Failure to do so could prove costly in the upcoming election.