Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

The National Border Patrol Council's Vice President, Art Del Cueto, has refuted President Biden's claim during the CNN Presidential Debate that the union endorses him.

The National Border Patrol Council, representing Border Patrol agents, has vehemently denied President Biden's assertion that the union endorses his policies. Vice President Art Del Cueto categorically refuted the claim, underscoring the union's unwavering opposition to Biden's handling of border security.

This denial further exacerbates the already strained relationship between the Biden administration and the Border Patrol union, which has consistently criticized the administration's immigration policies. The union has accused the administration of dismantling effective border security measures implemented during the Trump era, leading to a surge in illegal crossings.

Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

Del Cueto's statement aligns with the union's long-standing stance that Biden's policies have undermined border enforcement efforts and jeopardized the safety and security of the country. The union has expressed particular concern over the administration's practice of releasing illegal immigrants into the interior of the United States without proper vetting or detention.

The union's rejection of Biden's endorsement claim underscores the growing dissatisfaction among law enforcement agencies with the administration's approach to border security. It further highlights the challenges facing the Biden administration in forging a working relationship with agencies responsible for enforcing immigration laws.

Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

The Border Patrol union's stance reflects the broader concerns of Republican lawmakers who have consistently opposed Biden's immigration policies. Republicans have accused the administration of fostering a border crisis by reversing Trump-era policies and failing to adequately address the surge in illegal crossings.

The denial of Biden's endorsement claim also coincides with the release of a study by the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), which found that a staggering 7 million illegal immigrants are not under any form of federal supervision or detention. This alarming statistic underscores the need for comprehensive border security measures and undermines the administration's claims of effectively managing the situation at the border.

Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

The study's findings have been widely shared by Republican lawmakers, who have seized upon them as evidence of the administration's failure to address the border crisis. They have repeatedly called for increased funding and stricter enforcement measures to stem the flow of illegal immigration and enhance border security.

The administration has defended its immigration policies, arguing that they are humane and prioritize family reunification. However, Republicans have denounced these policies as ineffective and counterproductive.

Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

Biden's Endorsement Claim Denied by Border Patrol Union

The ongoing debate over border security is likely to intensify in the coming months as the Biden administration and Republicans clash over the appropriate response to the surge in illegal crossings. The Border Patrol union's denial of Biden's endorsement claim further complicates the already tense political landscape surrounding this issue.