Biden's Executive Order: A Disaster for Border Security

Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) joined 'The Faulkner Focus' to denounce President Biden's impending executive order on immigration, warning that it would exacerbate the migrant crime crisis.

## Article:

Biden's Executive Order: A Disaster for Border Security

Biden's Executive Order: A Disaster for Border Security

President Biden's upcoming executive order on immigration is set to provide privileges to individuals in the United States without legal authorization, raising concerns about its impact on border security and the integrity of the immigration system.

The executive order, which has not yet been released, is expected to confer a range of rights or benefits on an unspecified number of people currently residing in the country without official permission. This move will further blur the lines between legal and illegal immigration and send the wrong message to potential migrants.

Biden's Executive Order: A Disaster for Border Security

Biden's Executive Order: A Disaster for Border Security

The Biden administration's lax approach to border security has already led to a surge in illegal border crossings. The New York Times recently reported that over 10 million people have crossed the southern border without invitation during Biden's presidency. This unprecedented influx has overwhelmed border patrol agents and compromised the nation's security.

The proposed executive order will only worsen the situation by encouraging more illegal immigration. Millions of people worldwide are watching with anticipation, seeing the United States as a haven where they can enter and stay without fear of consequences.

Biden's Executive Order: A Disaster for Border Security

Biden's Executive Order: A Disaster for Border Security

Contrary to the administration's claims, the majority of illegal immigrants do not pose threats to national security, but they do put a significant strain on public resources and contribute to labor market distortions. They often work in low-paying jobs, competing with American workers for limited opportunities.

The border crisis has also led to a rise in crime, as illegal immigrants often engage in criminal activities such as drug trafficking, human smuggling, and violence. The recent rape and killing of a mother of five in Maryland by an illegal immigrant has sent shockwaves throughout the nation.

Instead of providing privileges to illegal immigrants, the Biden administration should focus on securing the border and deterring further crossings. This requires completing the construction of a physical barrier along the southern border, increasing the number of border patrol agents, and deploying advanced technology to monitor and prevent illegal entries.

The administration should also work with Central American countries to address the root causes of migration, such as poverty and instability. By providing economic opportunities and promoting democratic governance in the region, we can reduce the flow of migrants seeking to enter the United States illegally.

The president has no authority to unilaterally amend immigration laws, and any executive order he issues in this area will likely face legal challenges. Congress has the exclusive power to regulate immigration, and it is the legislative branch that should determine the path forward on this crucial issue.

The Biden administration's executive order is a reckless and ill-advised measure that will undermine border security and encourage more illegal immigration. It is a disservice to the American people and a betrayal of the rule of law.