Biden's Exit: Progressive Voters Lament Lack of Primary, Endorse Harris

Progressive voters express mixed reactions to Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race, welcoming Kamala Harris as a candidate but regretting the absence of a primary process. They believe Biden's early exit would have allowed for more time to select a nominee through internal party debate.

Progressive Democratic voters in Wisconsin have voiced their opinions on President Biden's decision to drop out of the presidential race and endorse Kamala Harris, expressing mixed feelings about the process and the outcome. While enthusiastic about Harris's candidacy, they wished for a more robust primary to have been held.

In a discussion aired on MSNBC, five voters shared their perspectives on Biden's withdrawal and their support for Harris as his successor. They acknowledged Harris's potential to defeat former President Trump but expressed concerns about the lack of a competitive primary process.

Biden's Exit: Progressive Voters Lament Lack of Primary, Endorse Harris

Biden's Exit: Progressive Voters Lament Lack of Primary, Endorse Harris

One voter stated, "It would have been nice if he made this decision a year ago so we could have had a primary and maybe decided who we want to replace him rather than just all flocking to Kamala Harris." This sentiment was shared by others, who felt that a primary would have allowed for greater input from Democratic voters.

Another voter remarked, "By trying to clear the field and ensure it was going to be Biden and not allowing us to have an actual Democratic primary process — not saying I think Kamala Harris is going to lose, but I do think we would have benefited significantly if he figured this out far sooner, so there actually could have been more time to have internal debate, have internal democracy within the party."

Biden's Exit: Progressive Voters Lament Lack of Primary, Endorse Harris

Biden's Exit: Progressive Voters Lament Lack of Primary, Endorse Harris

"I don’t feel like I know a lot about [Kamala]. I agree that I wish Biden had come to this decision sooner, but now that we are where we are, I think that’s the best option for the party," added a third voter.

One female voter emphasized her dissatisfaction with the lack of transparency and participation in the nomination process, stating, "This whole, we started the conversation with, there are people behind closed doors and curtains making the decisions for us, and it’s supposed to be a process. We’re supposed to be part of it. That part I don’t like on principle."

Biden's Exit: Progressive Voters Lament Lack of Primary, Endorse Harris

Biden's Exit: Progressive Voters Lament Lack of Primary, Endorse Harris

Despite their concerns about the primary process, the voters expressed confidence in Harris's ability to lead the Democratic Party. Biden announced his withdrawal from the race on Sunday, endorsing Harris shortly afterward in a statement. Harris confirmed her intention to seek the Democratic nomination, receiving endorsements from multiple Democrats and becoming the presumptive nominee heading into the Democratic National Convention next month.