Biden's First Debate with Trump: A Make-or-Break Moment for His Presidency

CNN analyst Fareed Zakaria believes that the upcoming first debate between President Biden and former President Trump will be crucial for Biden's chances of winning a second term. Zakaria argues that Biden needs to decisively win the debate in order to turn around his declining poll numbers and demonstrate his competence as a leader.

Biden's First Debate with Trump: A Make-or-Break Moment for His Presidency

CNN host Fareed Zakaria recently made a guest appearance on "CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta," where he discussed the significance of the upcoming first debate between President Biden and former President Trump. Zakaria argued that the debate could be a "make-or-break" moment for Biden's chances at a second term, as he faces grim polling numbers in multiple states and demographics.

Zakaria noted that the president typically has more to lose in a debate, as they are often surrounded by people who defer to their opinion and may not always provide them with honest feedback. Zakaria cited then-President Obama's surprising first debate loss against Mitt Romney as an example of this phenomenon.

Biden's First Debate with Trump: A Make-or-Break Moment for His Presidency

Zakaria argued that Biden needs to approach the debate as if he is the underdog, even though he is the incumbent president. He said that Biden needs to be "feisty" and show that he is in command and control.

Zakaria's comments come as multiple commentators have spoken about recent polling indicating that former President Trump has a lead against Biden in multiple battleground states and demographics. A recent poll conducted by the New York Times and Siena College found that Trump leads Biden by 5 points among registered voters nationwide.

Biden's First Debate with Trump: A Make-or-Break Moment for His Presidency

Zakaria argued that Biden needs to improve his image of competence, as recent polls show a sharp decline in his approval ratings on this issue. He said that Biden needs to use the debate to demonstrate his energy and ability to lead effectively.

Zakaria also pointed out that the debate will be a "historic opportunity" for Biden, as it is expected to be one of the most widely watched and closely scrutinized debates in American history. He said that Biden needs to take advantage of this opportunity to turn around his campaign and prove that he is capable of leading the country for another four years.

Biden's First Debate with Trump: A Make-or-Break Moment for His Presidency

In conclusion, CNN analyst Fareed Zakaria believes that the upcoming first debate between President Biden and former President Trump is a crucial moment for Biden's chances of winning a second term. Zakaria argues that Biden needs to decisively win the debate in order to turn around his declining poll numbers, improve his image of competence, and demonstrate his ability to lead effectively.