Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki has agreed to testify before a House GOP panel investigating the Biden administration's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, potentially shedding light on allegations of misleading claims and inaccurate information.

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki will sit down with House GOP investigators probing the Biden administration's withdrawal from Afghanistan, a move that could shed light on the administration's handling of the chaotic operation.

Psaki, who served as President Biden's first press secretary, will appear for a closed-door transcribed interview with the House Foreign Affairs Committee on July 26. The committee has been investigating the August 2021 withdrawal, which resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. service members and left hundreds of Americans behind.

Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

According to a letter sent to Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the White House has agreed to Psaki's testimony with certain conditions. This includes the presence of personal counsel and the White House Counsel's Office, and the provision of a list of topics the committee plans to cover.

Sources close to the committee's Republican majority told Fox News Digital that investigators believe Psaki made multiple untrue claims in her role as press secretary and want to determine her level of blame. They will examine gaps between her statements and information conveyed by other individuals involved in the withdrawal.

Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Specifically, investigators are looking into the possibility that the Biden administration, including the State Department and Department of Defense, failed to provide accurate assessments to Psaki or whether national security adviser Jake Sullivan misrepresented agency inputs to her.

GOP members are also investigating whether the Biden administration prioritized politics over policy by potentially concealing the truth from the American people. During last week's presidential debate, Biden falsely claimed that no troops had died anywhere in the world on his watch.

Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

McCaul rebuked Biden's statement on the House floor, citing the 13 service members killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal. He read out their names and reminded the president of their sacrifice.

In addition to the 13 fatalities during the withdrawal, three U.S. service members died in a drone attack in Jordan earlier this year.

Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

Biden's Former Press Secretary to Face House Probe on Afghanistan Withdrawal

McCaul's investigation has been seen as one of the less partisan probes launched by the House GOP majority. He authored a report that detailed the Biden administration's decisions and actions leading up to and during the withdrawal, concluding that inaction and delays contributed to the chaotic evacuation.

The report examines the aftermath of the withdrawal, including the Taliban's seizure of power, the deadly evacuation, and the long-term impact on the United States and its allies.