Biden's Future in Doubt as Democratic Elite Calls for Exit

Prominent media hosts express blunt assessments of President Biden's future, suggesting the walls are closing in as Democratic leadership pressures him to bow out.

Prominent media hosts from ABC and NBC have offered blunt assessments of President Biden's future, casting doubt on his ability to continue as the Democratic nominee amid mounting calls for him to drop out.

Biden's Future in Doubt as Democratic Elite Calls for Exit

Biden's Future in Doubt as Democratic Elite Calls for Exit

Kristen Welker of NBC's "Today" program referred to leaked reports of private conversations between Biden and senior Democrats, suggesting a consensus among the party's elite that he should step aside. Welker highlighted the public statement by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) calling on Biden to withdraw, as well as private communications from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi reportedly expressing the same sentiment. Welker stated, "It's as good as all of them basically saying, 'yes, we did order the code red.'"

Joining the chorus of skepticism, ABC's George Stephanopoulos, a former advisor to President Bill Clinton, declared that the "walls were closing in" on Biden. Stephanopoulos cited the dwindling financial support and the overwhelming majority of Democratic voters (over 70%) who favor a different nominee.

Biden's Future in Doubt as Democratic Elite Calls for Exit

Biden's Future in Doubt as Democratic Elite Calls for Exit

Echoing Stephanopoulos's concerns, ABC's Jon Karl emphasized the "tenuous" position Biden is in, given the direct pressure from Democratic leadership. Karl noted the reports of major donors halting their financial contributions to Biden's campaign and the "very hard to sustain" situation the president faces.

Even Biden's long-time media allies, Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," hinted at the possibility that Biden might not be on the ticket. While emphasizing the importance of Democratic unity and focus on defeating Donald Trump, Brzezinski suggested that "it may or may not be Joe Biden." Scarborough implored Biden's allies to "do the right thing" and assist the president by encouraging him to exit the race.

Biden's Future in Doubt as Democratic Elite Calls for Exit

Biden's Future in Doubt as Democratic Elite Calls for Exit

The blunt assessments from media hosts reflect the growing sense of urgency within the Democratic Party to address Biden's declining support. Several polls have shown a majority of Democrats desiring a different nominee, and the leaked conversations between Biden and party leaders indicate a behind-the-scenes push for him to withdraw. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the pressure on Biden to make a decision about his political future intensifies.