Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Medical experts, including Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel, analyze President Biden's cognitive abilities following Thursday's presidential debate, expressing concerns that go beyond a mere cold.

The first presidential debate of 2024 has heightened concerns about President Biden's cognitive health, prompting a closer examination by medical experts. Despite the White House's claim that Biden's poor performance was due to a cold, some doctors believe that the issues run deeper.

Dr. Brett Osborn, a Florida neurosurgeon specializing in cognitive function, expressed his concerns about Biden's mental fitness. He noted Biden's difficulty in maintaining a coherent narrative, frequent pauses, stumbling over words, and reliance on notes during the debate.

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Osborn highlighted Biden's "growing inability" to manage the complexities of the presidency and expressed concern about his "apparent disorientation" during the event. He believes that Biden "lacks the mental sharpness required for the highest office in the land."

Dr. Marc Siegel, physician and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, also weighed in on the debate, observing signs of "frequent disorientation" and "problems with spontaneity or redirecting" in Biden's speech. He noted that Biden's statements were often "meandering" and that he frequently "mixed up 'trillions' and 'billions' and 'millions.'"

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Siegel emphasized that while a cold can exacerbate cognitive issues, he remains skeptical that this fully explains Biden's performance. He stated, "Either way, we need someone who is sharp despite a cold."

Cognitive issues, Siegel explained, can fluctuate, so they may not always manifest in the same way. He stressed that the president's mental acuity is paramount, especially in the face of a crisis.

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

While age has been raised as a concern for both Biden and his opponent, former President Donald Trump, Siegel believes that "it is an issue of fitness, not of age." He maintains that the focus should be on cognitive abilities and mental sharpness.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Biden campaign and the White House press office for comment, but no response was received.

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Earlier in the year, concerns about Biden's age and memory emerged after the release of a special counsel's report. The report characterized Biden's memory as "hazy," "fuzzy," and "poor," raising questions about his cognitive health.

Vice President Kamala Harris acknowledged that Biden had a "slow start" to the debate but defended his performance and his record in office. However, The New York Times editorial board and others have called for Biden to withdraw from the race based on his debate performance.

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries

Dr. Siegel concluded in a New York Post opinion piece, "This isn't a question of age... But it's a sad medical fact that a person with growing problems of memory and judgment is frequently the last to acknowledge it."

Biden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express WorriesBiden's Health Concerns Raise Alarms Post-Debate, Experts Express Worries