Biden's Hold on Israel Weapons Shipments Draws Criticism from Jewish Democrats

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) and prominent pro-Israel Biden donors are criticizing President Biden for withholding weapons from Israel amid its plans to invade the Hamas stronghold of Rafah. They argue that the decision undermines U.S. support for Israel and sends a wrong message to allies in the region.

Biden's Hold on Israel Weapons Shipments Draws Criticism from Jewish Democrats

Rep. Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) has joined a chorus of Jewish Democrats voicing their criticism of President Biden's decision to withhold weapons from Israel. In a letter signed by 26 House Democrats, Moskowitz expressed concern about the impact of the decision on Israel's security and its ability to defend itself against Hamas.

Biden's Hold on Israel Weapons Shipments Draws Criticism from Jewish Democrats

The letter urges Biden to reconsider his position, arguing that it sends a "terrible message" to allies in the region and beyond. It suggests that Biden's decision is pandering to the far-left and progressive base of the Democratic Party ahead of the November election.

Prominent pro-Israel Biden donors are also slamming the president for his decision. Israeli American Democratic megadonor Haim Saban sent an email to White House officials on Wednesday, blasting Biden for the decision. Saban stated that the move undermines the U.S. goal of defeating Hamas and sends the message that the U.S. is abandoning Israel due to political pressure.

Biden's Hold on Israel Weapons Shipments Draws Criticism from Jewish Democrats

Another Democrat Party advocate, Mark Mellman, criticized the move in a statement to Axios. Mellman, the CEO of Democratic Majority for Israel, expressed concern about the policy shift and its potential political consequences. He noted that many in the pro-Israel community are "very worried, very upset, and very angry."

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has also weighed in on the issue, stating that Biden's decision will result in civilian casualties inside Gaza.

Biden's Hold on Israel Weapons Shipments Draws Criticism from Jewish Democrats

The House Oversight Committee has announced that it is opening an investigation into the Biden administration over its threats to withhold offensive aid from Israel.

The White House has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Moskowitz and other critics of Biden's decision believe that it undermines Israel's ability to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization that has been firing rockets into Israel. They argue that withholding weapons sends a wrong message to allies in the region and could embolden Hamas to continue its attacks.

The decision has also raised concerns about the Biden administration's commitment to Israel's security. Critics argue that the move represents a departure from the strong support for Israel that has been a cornerstone of U.S. policy for decades.

Some observers believe that Biden's decision could have political consequences for the Democratic Party. They argue that the move could alienate Jewish voters, who are traditionally a strong base of support for the party.

The decision has also drawn criticism from some within the Democratic Party. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) expressed his concern that withholding weapons from Israel could harm its ability to defend itself.

The debate over Biden's decision is likely to continue in the coming days and weeks. Critics of the move will likely continue to pressure the administration to reconsider its position, while supporters will defend the decision as necessary to prevent further escalation of the conflict.

The outcome of the debate could have significant implications for Israel's security, U.S.-Israel relations, and the political landscape in the United States.