Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Residents of President Biden's hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania, share their perspectives on his first term's performance and the issues most important to them this year, ranging from the economy to abortion rights.

In Scranton, Pennsylvania, the birthplace of President Joe Biden, residents offered a diverse range of opinions on his first term's performance and the issues that matter most to them this election year.

Michael, a local resident, noted the renaming of Spruce Street to Biden Street as a mark of the president's impact on his hometown. However, he expressed reservations about both Biden and former President Trump, casting doubt on their qualifications.

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Lauren, who declined to give her last name, emphasized women's reproductive rights as her top concern. She expressed dissatisfaction with Biden's handling of the abortion issue.

Thomas, another Scranton resident, expressed strong support for Biden, citing his economic policies and the renaming of the Central Scranton Expressway connector after him.

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

However, Steve, encountered outside the bus terminal, had a pessimistic view of Biden's presidency, citing the declining economy and rising food prices.

Brian, another resident, described Biden's term as a "disaster," but hesitated to endorse Trump's return. He expressed skepticism about both candidates and remained undecided.

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Heather, on break from her job at a local restaurant, succinctly expressed her support for Trump in 2024.

John, another Scranton resident, said he is supporting Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for president, citing his policy positions and charisma.

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Jennifer Saunders, owner of the Northern Light Espresso Bar, reported that business is thriving despite economic challenges. She attributed the situation to factors beyond politics and focused on the positives of Scranton as a community.

Josie, a self-described anarchist, criticized both major party candidates and expressed concern about Israel's actions.

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

In contrast, Joe, another Scranton resident, criticized Biden's economic policies and questioned his leadership abilities.

Paige Gebhardt Cognetti, Scranton's Democratic mayor, praised Biden's support for working-class cities and his commitment to women's rights.

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Jen, a registered nurse, emphasized health care as her top political concern and endorsed Biden as the best choice for protecting patients with preexisting conditions.

Overall, the residents of Scranton presented a nuanced and multifaceted view of Biden's first term and the issues shaping their voting decisions in the upcoming election.

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term

Biden's Hometown Sound Off: Mixed Reviews on President's First Term